All Assets

View assets across all your sites, managing and maintaining them efficiently. Create a new asset, edit existing ones, and generate work orders directly from this page.

Navigate to AssetsAll Assets.

The following data displays in the smart table:

  • Asset number: Unique identifier assigned to each asset. Click it to edit the asset

  • Category: Main classification of the asset, such as mechanical room. Click it to create a work order with the asset and category already filled in.

  • Subcategory: A further classification of the asset, such as plumbing.

  • Asset type: Specifies the type of the asset in a more specific way. For example, hot water heater.

  • Manufacturer: Company that manufactures the asset

  • Site: The site where the asset is located. It's the highest level in the location hierarchy.

  • Site Description: Additional information about the site, like the city and state

  • Department: Indicates the department within the site that is responsible for the asset.

  • Floor level: Specific floor within the site where the asset is. You can make a floor level selection when you assign floor levels to a site via the Admin area.

  • Location detail: Additional information about the asset's location to help maintenance personnel locate it quickly.

  • Space: The specific area or room within the floor level where the asset is, such as mechanical room

  • Status: Current status of the asset, such as In service, Inactive, Not found, and others.

  • In service date: The date the asset was put into service.

  • Model: Identifies a specific model of an asset by the manufacturer.

  • Serial number: Unique code assigned by the manufacturer. Typically used for warranty, history tracking, and distinguishing similar units.

  • Fixture number: Identifies the specific fixture associated with the asset

  • Warranty: Whether the asset has warranty

  • Warranty provider: Company that provides the warranty for the asset

  • Installing provider: Company that installed the asset

  • Supplier: Company that supplies the asset.

  • Operational status: Indicates whether the asset is currently working

  • Asset condition: The condition of the asset. For instance, bad, good, or excellent.

  • Parent asset: Primary asset to which the current asset is linked as a sub-component.

  • Reactive work orders: Number of reactive maintenance work orders associated with the asset

  • PPM work orders: Number of Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) work orders associated with the asset

  • Total spent: The cumulative amount spent on the asset, including purchase price, maintenance, and any other associated costs

Click Create new asset at the left bottom to create a new asset.