Asset Categories

Organize assets by class and subcategory to manage work types, costs, and enhance reporting. You can create, modify, and manage categories, define problem types, and attach reference documents for better asset management.

Navigate to AdminAsset categories.

You need to have administrator permissions to perform this action.

ClosedFixture use

This is the root asset category, acting as the parent of all other categories and problem types.

  1. Edit the information:

    • Use reactive activities: Select Yes to allow reactive activities on work orders for this asset category.

      To use reactive activities, first enable them in EAM work order life cycle.

    • Asset required to close work order: Select Yes to make the asset field mandatory for work order completion.

    • Allow non-tagged asset at Job complete: Select Yes to make the asset field optional when closing work orders or select No to make it mandatory.

  2. Click Save.

ClosedFixture use categories

Manage the top-level asset categories, like plumbing, doors, and so, on to simplify reporting, tracking, and maintenance.

You can filter by active or inactive status on the table header.

Create asset category

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter the category name, description, and status.

  3. Click Save.

  4. In the confirmation window, select one of the following options to continue:

    • Site type: Associate the category with specific site types to ensure the category is applied only in relevant locations.

    • Work order constraints: Link the asset category on Work Order Creation Constraints to define its usage.

Edit asset category

  1. Click the category name in the list.

  2. Modify the details.

  3. Click Save.

ClosedFixture use problem type

Administer problem types associated with each asset categories to specify common issues.

Create problem type

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter the Name and Description.

  3. Click Save.

ClosedReference documents

Attach reference documents to asset categories for easy access to information.

  1. Click New.

  2. Add a document description.

  3. Click Choose file.

  4. Select a file from your device and click Open.

  5. Click Save.