Change work orders as needed to ensure the details remain current with changing conditions and requirements. For example, update the work order to reflect changes in resource allocations, to revise details, and to correct tasks, deadlines, or requirements.
Update work orders from the Work orders > Update menu or the Actions menu.
Update menu
When you search for a work order through the Update menu, you may find multiple work orders with the same number. Different segments, which are distinct sections of your TMS database designated for specific data records, may use the same work order number. Work order numbers must be unique within the same segment.
Go to Work Orders > Update.
In Work order number, enter the work order number you want to update, then press Enter.
The results page refreshes, displaying a list of matching work orders if they exist. If a single work order is found, the update page for that specific work order displays.
List view update
From the Dashboard, Query results page, or a Work Order list page, click the work order number in the column to open the work order in Update mode.
Action menu update
Use the Update option in the Actions menu to make updates to work orders and saved queries. Update a work order from the following pages, via the Actions menu:
Dashboard: All open work orders
In progress
Past due
Open scheduled
Open unscheduled
Completed scheduled
Completed unscheduled
From any of the aforementioned pages, do one of the following:
In list view, select Update from the Actions menu on the left of a row.
In card view, select Update from the Actions menu in the upper right of the card. The Saved queries page does not offer a card view.
Make changes to the available details and click Update.
Your information gets saved.
The Update page for the selected item displays.
Card view update
If you are in card view, click a card. The Update page for the selected item displays.