Open Work Orders
The Open work orders list displays up to 200 of your work orders that are within your assigned segment. You can sort the work order list based on your selected data source and the criteria from your saved favorite queries.
The default page view is List view, which displays all information in a spreadsheet-like format. Card view is where you can view the same items as blocks. You have the option to switch between views on desktop platforms. Click either the list or card icon located at the upper right of the list. Mobile phone and tablet devices only display Card view.
In List view, change the position and size of columns, sort columns, use search filters, and access an Actions menu.
Results viewer
The Results viewer includes data sources that determine which columns display in the table grid. The records shown in list view appear using the same columns and order as defined in the Classic TMS application.
On first use, the Results viewer defaults to the data source set by your organization's administrator. You have the option to choose another data source. Regardless of your choice, if you leave the page and return, the data source you selected in the Results Viewer remains in place.
Sort, filter, and rearrange columns in the grid as needed. When you navigate away and return to the page, the view reverts to the settings of your selected data source, removing any applied sorting and filtering.
In the Results viewer, select the form you want to use to view the results in the results list. The list updates based on the form.
The Query selection list includes your saved favorite queries to filter which work orders display in the Open work orders table. It matches your Saved queries > Favorities on the Query page and sorts queries alphabetically. At the top of the list, you'll find the default Activ/Pendg WOs query from the system segment, already part of the Classic TMS product.
The Query list remembers the value you select on your device. If you leave the page and come back, sign out and in again, or close and reopen your browser, it will still show the last query you chose.
If you haven't saved any queries, the list defaults to the system query.
The Query menu is unavailable if don't have access-level permissions.
In Query, select the query to filter the work orders in the results list. The list updates based on the selected query's criteria.
Update work order
Change work orders as needed to ensure the details remain current with changing conditions and requirements. Use the Update option in the Actions menu to make changes to work orders.
In the Open work orders list, locate a work order and do one of the following:
In list view, select Update from the Actions menu on the left of a row or click the WO# within a column.
In card view, select Update from the Actions menu in the upper right of the card.
The Update page for the selected item displays.
Make changes to the available details and click Update.
Your information gets saved.