Part Request Details
Part request details are where you can manage and approve or reject part requests.
You are also navigated to this page when click Newon the Part Requests page to create a new part request.
Navigate to Parts & Inventory > Part Requests and click a part request number.
Part request details contain the following tabs:
Request details
This page shows the part request details defined in the creation process, including a link to the Parent part request for requisition or internal requests. It also shows the current Status of the request. From here you can approve/reject the request, depending on its type and status.
To approve/reject a request (if applicable), select Approve or Decline from the Actions menu.
Change a General part request to a Requisition or Internal request
You can change General type part requests to a Requisition or Internal type. This moves the request from a purchase request to a transfer request from your own company (Internal) or from an external company (Requisition).
When a General part request has received final approval, its status becomes Needs sourcing. For requests of this type and status, follow these steps to change the General request to a Requisition or Internal type:
Go to the Request Details page for a General part request with a status of Needs sourcing.
Open the Actions menu and select Source request.
For each part, select either Requisition or Internal for the Request type.
Select the Part location for an Internal request type or the Company (that is, the source company) for a Requisition request type.
The Choose part location and Choose company dialogs have an Apply to all option that applies your selection to all requested parts for that field.
Click Save.
This page shows all the parts included in the part request. From here you can update parts and approve/reject the request (depending on its type and status).
Select the check box for a part or parts, and open the Actions menu to take action on the part. The following options are available:
Update Parts: Select to edit the due date or the quantity for the parts selected or add a new part to the request
Approve: Select to approve the part request as a whole; you are prompted to confirm the approval and update the status to the new approval level
Cancel : Select to move the request to the Cancel status and disable the requester from resubmitting the request; you are prompted to add a Cancel Reason before saving the action
Reject: Select to reject the part request as a whole and allow the requester to resubmit the request; you are prompted to add a Rejection Reason before submitting the rejection
Receipt : Select to show parts as being received (only available for parts already shipped); you are prompted to select whether you are receiving the full quantity for the part and the inbound space for the received parts
For internal and requisition requests, the following options are available in the Actions menu:
Reserve: Select to reserve parts; you then select the parts you want to reserve and click Reserve to complete the action
Reserving parts increases the Reserved quantity at the part location and then move to the Outbound quantity once shipped.
Ship: Select to ship parts from their current/source location to the destination location; you then select the parts you want to ship and click Ship to complete the action
Shipping parts increases the Outbound quantity at their current/source location and, if previously reserved, decreases the Reserved quantity by the number shipped.
Part requests history shows all the events for a request (creation, parts added, approval, and so on).