This page shows your full inventory of parts, along with their quantities in each part location.
The smart table displays the following:
Location: The physical location where the part is stored
Name: The name identifying the part, often used as a more generic search term
Number: The number identifying the part
Class: The part's classification or category (kit, equipment, fixture, consumable)
Condition: The part's general condition (good, faulty, and so on)
Company: The company using the part
You can filter inventory by company attribute by setting a filter to Attribute > equals (or does not equal) >your selected attributes.
On hand: The quantity of the part available to use
Reserved: The quantity of the part reserved for a work order
Inbound: The quantity of inbound parts
Outbound: The quantity of outbound parts
Inventory cost : The total cost of the parts in inventory (current standard cost per part multiplied by the total quantity of parts)
Select the part name to edit the part space or on hand quantity for its location. You can also see current standard cost per part and the total quantity for the part in that location.
Select the part number to view/edit part details, independent of part locations where the part is stored.
Click Add Inventory to add a new part to your inventory, configuring the location, space, part, quantity, and condition.
Transfer inventory
On the Inventory page you can transfer part locations in bulk.
Select the check boxes for the parts you want to transfer.
Click Transfer at the bottom of the page.
For each part select the From space, the To location and To space, and the Quantity to transfer.
The Choose To location and Choose To space dialogs have an Apply to all option that applies your selection to all transferring parts for that field.
Select a Transfer reason.
You can select any reason of a Inventory transfer reason type.
Click Save to complete the part transfer.