Action Detail

On this page you configure details for work order actions. You are navigated to this page when you select an action on Admin > Actions or when you click New Action on that page.

You can configure the following information:

  • Name: The action name

    You select an action name to add the action to a work order.

  • Description

  • Status: Determines whether the action is active or inactive

  • Scope: Determines where the action can be applied (refrigerant management or asset management)

    You can select ERM, EAM, or ERM and EAM.

  • Limit resolution type : Determines whether the resolution type for work orders using this action are limited to Non-PPM only or PPM only resolutions

    Select All to set no limit on the resolution type used.

  • Job complete bypass options: Select the information people can bypass to complete a work order that uses this action

    • Specifying an asset: Select to allow people to complete a work order using this action without specifying an asset

    • Specifying asset's condition: Select to allow people to complete a work order using this action without specifying an asset's condition

    • Answering required work order scripts: Select to allow people to complete a work order using this action without answering required work order scripts