PPM Activity Detail

Admin > PPM Activities > Select a PPM activity > PPM Activity Detail.

The PPM Activity Detail page provides information about a PPM activity, including its associated tasks.

On the left side of the page, you can view and edit details of the selected PPM activity:

  • Name: Name of the PPM activity
  • Description: Description of the PPM activity

  • Notes: Relevant notes about the PPM activity

  • Criticality: The criticality level of the activity, such as Statutory, Mandatory, or Critical

  • Reference number: Unique identifier for the activity

  • Required skills: Skills required to complete the activity

  • Estimate time to complete: Estimate time needed to complete the activity

  • Status: The status of the activity, Active or Inactive

PPM tasks

Tasks are necessary instructions for completing the PPM Activity.

On the right side of the page, you can view the tasks associated with the PPM activity:

  • PPM tasks for this activity: The name of each task

  • Status: The current status of the task, such as Active or Inactive

  • Required: Indicates whether the task is required

Create new task

  1. Click New.

    New PPM task window opens.

  2. Enter the details:

    • PPM task name: The name of the task

    • Required: Whether this is a required task for the PPM

    • Status: If it's an active task or not

  3. Click Save.