PPM Contract Group Update Tool

This tool lets you update multiple PPM contract details in bulk and add multiple sites to contracts in bulk as well.

You can also use the import tool to add contracts in bulk.

  1. Use filter and search options to locate the PPM contracts you want to update.

  2. Select the check box for the contracts you want to update.

    You can also Select all.

  3. Click Update PPM contracts.

  4. You can configure the following contract details in the window that opens:

    • Account code: Updates the account codes used by selected contracts
    • Default accrual amount: Updates the default accrual amount for contracts
    • PPM template: Updates the PPM template contracts use
    • Permission to work required: Determines whether contracts require work permits to begin work
    • Auto-renew contract: Determines whether contracts are automatically renewed when they reach their end date
    • Enforce PPM asset details: Determines whether asset status and condition are required upon closing PPM work orders for contracts

      Only enforced if Display asset condition at job complete is turned on for Work Order Life Cycle.

    • Contract start date: Updates the starting date for the selected contracts
    • Contract end date: Updates the ending date for the selected contract
    • Reference time & materials contract: determines whether select contracts reference associated contracts for time and material costs

      Options are either No or Use labor rates only. If you use labor rates, you are prompted to select the contracts to reference

      You can only configure this setting if all selected contracts have the same provider.

    • Next run date: updates the next run date for PPMs

      You can only set the next run date if you do not use a temporary schedule.

      Use temporary schedule: turn on to set up a temporary schedule for PPMs for selected contracts; you are prompted to configure:

      • Temporary schedule name

      • Start date

      • End date

      • Scheduling method: options are Daily interval, Monthly creation, Monthly interval, Specified date, and Weekly schedule

  5. You can use the table at the bottom of the window to add or remove sites from the selected contracts.
    1. Use the filter and search options to find sites you want to add to or remove from contracts.
    2. Select sites and select the check box for either Add to contracts or Remove from contracts.
  6. Save your changes.

    You can also Clear any changes made and remain in to the window to make different updates, or you can Cancel your changes and close the window.