Graphing Tool

On the Graphing Tool you can create charts and graphs to display helpful data related to energy usage, flagged conditions, work orders, and more.

You drill down to the data you want to see, starting with the site (or sites), then selecting data type, then selecting the specific data within that type to graph. The graph dynamically refreshes as you make your selections.


You can select sites by:

  • Entering the beginning of the site name and selecting matching sites from the menu

  • Clicking the down arrow and selecting sites from the menu

  • Clicking View all sites and selecting sites from the dialog that opens

Select data types

You can select items to graph from data types applicable to the site (HVAC, refrigeration, electric, and so on).

You can also graph the following data:

  • Flagged conditions:

  • Work orders:

  • External work orders:

  • Alarm types:

Graph options

You can turn on the following items to include in data shown:

  • Refrigeration events:

  • Site events:

  • Derived variables:

You can Define Units of Measure displayed on the chart.

Options at the top of the chart include:

  • Load Data icon or refresh chart

  • Show as Table, Bar Chart, or Line Chart

  • Time frame for data (last 2 days, last 7 days, last 12 months, and so on)

  • Automatic refresh time (every 5 minutes, 1 day, monthly, and so on)

  • Comparison (no comparison, 1 day ago, 1 week ago, and so on)

  • Y axis merge options (unmerged, shared Y axis, multiple Y axes)

  • Turn on/off Dark Mode

  • Expand chart