Flagged System Conditions

View flagged conditions over a specific time period. Connect to devices, launch graphs, view rule definitions, add documents, access site layouts, and manage related work orders.

Track flagged issues, activities, and conditions that require investigation or follow-up.

Use filters

Narrow down the results to refine your view and handle large amounts of data more efficiently.

  1. Click any of the filter options at the upper-right.

  2. Select the filters:

    • Approval level: Approval stage you wish to view, such as first-level approval, second, and so on.

    • Provider type: Filter work orders by service provider, such as external or internal.

    Other filters are also available.

  3. Click Apply filter.

View flagged system conditions information

  1. Go to Flagged System Conditions.

  2. On the smart table, click the tabs: