Log Note

Log notes allow you to notify necessary parties with information regarding a work order, ranging from an urgent alert to a general note covering whatever information is necessary for the situation. Log notes can be delivered as phone calls or emails.

  1. Select Log Note from the Select Action menu on a work order.

  2. Select an Entry Type, either an inbound or outbound phone call or an email note.

    Selecting Note allows you to configure email recipients for the note, such as the Call Center, the Provider, or the Site.

  3. Select the log note Reason.

  4. Enter the log note information.

    For notes, enter text to be sent via email. For phone calls, indicate who the call is from and the description to be read by an automated reader for the phone call.

  5. Optionally, attach a file to the log note.

  6. To send the notification, click Save.