System History
Sites > Select a site > Systems > Select a system > System History
System History provides a detailed record of all service events and maintenance activities performed on a selected system. It helps you track the service history, monitor leak events, and manage refrigerant usage and recovery.
Service date: Date the service was performed
Event #: Unique event identifier
Event type: Categorization of the event, such as Leak Event, SIC Events/Site Inspection and so on
Leak status: Current status of any leaks detected during the service even
EPA leak rate (projected): Projected leak percentage as per EPA regulations
Leak rate last 12 mo.: Leak rate percentage calculated over the past 12 months
Amount added: Amount of refrigerant added during the service event
Recovered: Amount of refrigerant recovered during the service event
UOM: Unit of measure for the amounts added and recovered, such as lb, kg, and so on
Refrigerant added: Specific type of refrigerant added
Refrigerant recovered: Specific type and amount of refrigerant recovered from the system
Provider: Service provider who performed the service event
Work Order #: Unique identifier for the work order associated with the service event
Service Reference #: Additional reference number for the service event, used for internal tracking and documentation purposes
Date Entered: Date and time when the service event details were entered into the system
Edits: Any changes or updates made to the service event details