A site is a physical property managed within the system, serving as a central hub for organizing and storing key data related to that location. This includes utility usage, materials consumption, site events, and more, providing comprehensive tracking and management. A site is often broken down into smaller subcategories. Each site can have one or more floor levels, and each floor level can have one or more departments or spaces.
Manage and integrate data, documents, and other information related to the property. Create a site to record sustainability data, track projects, and store address, contact details, and site-specific attributes.
Sites include:
Site List: View, create, and manage your sites by making them inactive or importing site data.
Site Spaces: Configure and manage site spaces, including their attributes and availability.
Site Documents: Organize site schematics, photos, and other documents.
Site Profile: View and modify site details and attributes.
Edit Site Assets: Access and update detailed information about specific assets associated with the site.