Create Work Order

Manually create a work order in WorkSpace to track the work being done and its cost in time and materials, keeping your organization efficient, safe, and productive.


While completing the work order form, a Troubleshooting window might appear when you select the problem type. This window provides suggested steps to address the issue. Follow the steps and if you still want to proceed with the work order creation, click I have reviewed and understood the above steps and still wish to create a service request.

Potential duplicates

Before you save the work order, review potential duplicates. Click the paper icon icon in the right bar to check for existing work orders. If a relevant work order exists, we suggest you don't create a new one.

Create work order

The fields available might differ depending on the problem type you select. Additional fields might appear, such as requests for photos or compliance-related details. Use this information as a guideline.

  1. On WorkSpace, navigate to Call Center.

  2. Select a call center from the list. If your organization has only once call center, skip to the next step.

  3. Click the Create New Work Order tab.

  4. Enter the work order information:

    • Caller: Enter the name of the person reporting the issue.

    • WO type: Select the appropriate type:
      • Normal: Standard work order for routine maintenance, repair, or inspection tasks.

      • Quote: Similar to an estimate, but more detailed, including a formal proposal with pricing for the work. It's typically used when external contractors are involved.

      • Estimate: Work order to assess the cost and scope of work before approval. It helps in planning and budgeting for the task.

      • Joint/Cooperative: Creates two linked work orders in one step. After submitting the first, a second automatically generates with the same details, allowing for coordination on the same site while keeping both work orders editable and linked for tracking.

    • Watchers: Select individuals to keep them informed of the work order's progress.
    • Site: Select the associated site. Once selected, the Site details field displays below with further information, such as the address and phone number.

    • Callback #: The contact number auto-populates after you select the site. You can edit it if necessary.

    • Department and Floor level: Select the information related to the asset's location.

    • Location details: Enter further asset's location detail to help the technician find it.
    • Asset tag - Fixture ID: Search the unique identifier for the asset. Once selected, the Asset details field displays below with more information, such as model, manufacturer, and warranty.

    • Asset status: Select whether the asset is working or not.

    • Compliance category: Select the relevant compliance category.

    • Category, Subcategory, and Asset type: These fields auto-populate after you select Asset tag - Fixture ID.

    • Problem type: Select the issue, such as motor or power unit. It impacts work order assignment and reporting.

    • Priority: Select urgency level for the work order, which adjusts the SLA details.

    • Problem description: Enter details about the issue for better context.

    • Include in asset spend: Select Yes to include the work order cost in the asset's spend.

    • Service provider: Automatically displays the recommended provider responsible for the work order. You can select another one if the assigned provider is unavailable or unsuitable for the task.

    • Assigned provider: Displays the service provider details, such as address and contact information. The selection is based on your organization's configuration of preferred providers, taking into account factors like site, problem type, asset category, and other criteria. You can change the assigned provider in the Service provider field.

    • SLA details: Auto-populates the Service Level Agreement (SLA) based on the selected priority level.

  5. Click Create WO.