Bureau displays dashboard icons with flagged issue categories and search functionality that allows you to view more information about user-specific issues.
Go to Call Center and select a call center.
View flagged issues
Click one item from the left-side list. For example, Timed-out issues with Bureau.
This displays a Flagged issues table that lists active flagged issues:
Issue #: Flagged issue assigned to a bureau. Click to view information about a specific issue, to define a flagged condition rule, launch the Meter Analysis Tool (MAT), and others.
Client: Client assigned to a bureau.
Site name: Number of the site associated with the flagged issue.
Status: Status of the associated flagged issue.
Severity: Indicates the level of urgency, such as high, medium, and low.
Minutes remaining: Time left to solve the flagged issue.
Controller: Controller number and asset associated with a flagged issue.
Alarm status: Status of alarms associated with a controller. Select to view additional alarm details.
Flagged condition name: Description of the flagged condition.
Inhibit: Puts a hold on the issue, allowing for a longer period of time for the you to investigate the issue.
Scroll to the bottom to view additional records.
To look for a specific issue, enter a keyword in Search at the top of this table.
View flagged issue details
Click an issue number.
Perform additional functions for a specific issue:
View flagged condition rule definition: Takes you to Flagged System Condition Rule Detail for that rule. Access is view-only and you can't edit the rule through this method.
Connect to device: Connect to a specific device to perform triage and see the general state of the controllers.
Launch graph: Launches the Meter analysis tool so that you can see telemetry data about the specific controller.
Alarm history: Displays the alarm history of that controller.
Send email: Send an email to the site, with automatically-populated information regarding the flagged condition and the ability to write a message.
Click Save.
Execute a group action
Select the check box next to the issue.
Click Group Action.
Select an action from the Action list and provide additional comments.
This displays actions that are specific to the current status of a flagged condition. There are two options:
Bureau action options:
Comment issue: Add a comment which also appears in the Flagged condition detail view.
Log inbound call: Records that the site made an inbound call to the bureau. This also appears on the detailed history record of the flagged condition.
Take custody of the issue: You take custody of the flagged condition to begin work and the flagged condition moves to the Flagged issues section of the User custody table.
User/ store action options:
Comment issue: Allows you to add a comment that would appear on the Flagged condition detail view.
Linked flag
Suspend controller
Click Save.
Create a flagged condition
Click Create flagged condition.
Make your selection for the flagged condition criteria:
Choose controller
Notification method
Click Save.
Search for flagged issue information
Scroll to the bottom of Flagged issue details.
Expand the Issue # pane.
Click any of the following tabs to specify search criteria:
Past / other open flagged issues: Past or closed and other open flagged condition issues associated to that controller, by issue number.
Past / other open work orders: Past or closed and other open work orders associated to this controller, by work order number.
Past / other open alarms: Past or cleared and other open alarms associated to this controller, by alarm type.
Attached documents: Relevant documents for a controller or asset, such as spec sheets and manuals.
Asset attributes: Relevant if you use Asset Management (EAM).
Site information: Detailed information about a site and site attributes.
Site events: Events that occurred at this site by event date. The information is client-specific with EAM (Asset Management), and deals with work orders. The events are usually events like insurance claims, natural disasters, or anything out of the ordinary that needs to be linked to multiple work orders.
Site controllers: Connect to a device, do real-time triage, and monitor activity.
Enter keywords to search for specific information or clear to ignore.
Create manual flagged conditions
Create an issue manually that has come in via phone, e-mail, or fax. Once you create a flagged condition issue, it appears in Bureau and can be processed.
Create an issue against an existing controller
Click Create flagged condition.
Select Existing controller from the Choose controller menu.
Click the magnifying glass on Site.
Select a site from one of the following options:
Click Groups of 100 or Next 15 to expand the list.
Enter the name of a site in Search.
Click Select.
Select a controller by clicking the magnifying glass on the Controller field.
If the controller doesn't appear, cancel the action and follow the Creating an issue against a new controller procedures below.
Click Select.
Select a rule from the Rule menu.
Select the notification method by which the issue was reported from Notification method.
Enter comments.
Click Create.
The new issue appears in the list of Issues not in bureau custody.
Create an issue against a new controller
Click Create flagged condition.
Select New controller from the Choose controller menu.
Click the magnifying glass on Site.
Select a site from one of the following options:
Click Groups of 100 or Next 15 to expand the list.
Enter the name of a site in Search the top of the page.
Click Select.
Select the Site controller from the menu.
Enter a name for the controller in Controller.
Enter a description for the controller.
Select a rule from the Rule menu.
Select the notification method by which the issue was reported from Notification method.
Enter comments.
Click Create.
The new issue appears in the list of Issues not in bureau custody and Flagged issues with Bureau.