Accruent Observe 23.01 Release Notes

The 2023.01 January release of Observe is being delivered as an automatic upgrade on January 16, 2023.

Improvements and issues fixed

Component Summary
Flagged Conditions The Flagged Conditions Detail page now shows linked flagged conditions.
Energy Comparison We added a new Configuration page to the Energy Comparison Dashboard. You can now select date ranges, energy types, and data types (Interval or Bill data) to compare.
Utility Bills Deleting a utility bill now sets the record as inactive and removes the association to site consumption calculations.
Vendors You can now manage all vendor information on the Admin > Vendor Setup page, including the ability to add addresses without adding a Pay-to address and the ability to add a Vendor Number on any address type.
Utility Bills You can now add utility bills manually, which is ideal for quickly creating a single utility bill rather than having to use a CSV import to do it. You can select Utility Company, Account, and Meter when you manually enter a bill.
Utility Bills Utility bills imported into the system no longer require to be in UTC time. You can add time and dates as they appear on the bill, and time zone conversions happen automatically after the import. All dashboards now show local site time rather than being converted to UTC.
Bureaus Bureaus now show only the appropriate Rules List for their bureau, set up by the partner selected when creating a manual flagged condition.
Smart Tables

We updated the following pages to the new smart table:

  • Utility Organizations

  • Headend Controllers