Smart Pane

The Smart Pane feature lets you to dynamically filter records displayed in a report. If a report has been defined to show the Smart Pane, the Report Preview window is split between the Report Preview and the Smart Pane.

On-the-Fly Criteria is another feature that allows criteria to be set after the report has been run. On-the-Fly Criteria allows you to create more precise definitions of the options to display.

If the report has not been set to show the Smart Pane by default, you can use the Show/Expand control on the far left of the Report Preview window to open it.

If the report has been setup to disable the Smart Pane, the Show/Expand control does not display.

Criteria defined in the Smart Pane works as a supplement to criteria defined on the Report Criteria window. This means that the criteria will further filter the displayed report data as you view the report. The Report Criteria box displays criteria from the Smart Pane in addition to any criteria defined in the Report Criteria window.