Reports Toolbar
The Reports toolbar is displayed at the top of the Report Preview window when a report has been run. The options in the Reports toolbar vary based on the type of report. Options for Print, Email, Export, Refresh, and Close are always included. For most reports, additional Setup, Criteria, and Smart options are available.
If the report includes multiple sections due to length of the report or inclusion of sub-reports, a control to navigate report sections displays.
If reports are being run in batch mode, additional controls to navigate between reports display.
The toolbar options are described below:
The Print option is used to print the content of the displayed report.
Clicking the Print option opens your system Print dialog box, where you can select your printer settings.
The Email option is used to email the content of the report.
Clicking the Email option opens the Email Report window, where you can specify email parameters such as the recipients, and subject line.
The Export option is used to export the content of the report to a file format that will be saved on your computer.
Clicking the Export option opens the Export window, where you can specify your export parameters. The available file formats are based on the type of report. All reports can be exported to htm; column based reports can also be exported to an .xls file.
The Setup option is used to modify the configuration of the report, such as the fields displayed, format, and presentation.
Clicking the Setup option opens the Report Setup window, where modifications can be made. As changes are made, you can return to the Report Preview window to view the impact of your modifications.
The Setup option does not display when you are viewing a custom report that includes special formatting not defined in Report Setup. If you need to change a setup option (such as report groups) for a custom report, you must exit the Report Preview window. When you return to the Report List, select the report and click the Setup Report button.
The Criteria option is used to modify the report criteria. These criteria determine which records should be displayed on the report.
Clicking the Criteria option opens the Report Criteria window, where modifications can be made. As changes are made, you can return to the Report Preview window to view the impact of the changes. Changes can be made for this running of the report only, or they can be saved permanently.
The Save As Default View option works in conjunction with the ability to dynamically adjust column widths in the report.
Clicking the Save As Default View button saves the report so that adjusted column widths retain their widths the next time you run the report.
The Reset to Default View option works in conjunction with the ability to dynamically adjust column widths in the report.
Clicking the Reset to Default View button resets column widths to their previously saved widths.
The Smart option is used to toggle defined smart elements on or off in the report preview.
If smart elements have been defined for the report, they will be enabled by default and the Smart icon on the toolbar is selected, to show that smart elements are enabled.
Clicking the Smart button disables any defined smart elements and turns smart elements off in the Report Setup. The report refreshes with smart elements disabled and the Smart button no longer active.
The Smart button operates even if there are no smart elements defined. This means the report preview refreshes even though the behavior of the display will not change. Also, the Smart button is not displayed when you are viewing a custom report that includes special formatting not defined in Report Setup.
The Refresh option is used to refresh the contents of the Report Preview window, in the event that data has changed since the report was initially presented on your screen.
The Close option is used to close the Report Preview window and return you to the Report List.
If the report includes multiple sections, a control to navigate between sections appears to the right of the Refresh icon.
Multiple sections are made if the report exceeds the designated number of records per section, as defined in Report Preferences. Multiple sections are also made if the report includes sub-reports (a maximum of 10 records from the primary / base report are included in each section).