On-the-Fly Criteria

If configured, On-the-Fly Report Criteria prompts may display at the top of the Report Preview window. On-the-Fly Criteria prompts let you set criteria for the current run of the report. This criteria is never saved in the report definition. Options available to set On-the-Fly are defined on the Report Setup - Criteria tab.

Set On-the-Fly Criteria:

  1. Select your desired value for the first criteria prompt.

    The report creator may have set a default value for the criteria, but the default value can be changed. The exact process used to define the criteria expression depends on the type of field.

  2. Repeat as necessary.

  3. Click the Apply button.

    The Report Preview window refreshes with updated records matching your criteria. If Report Criteria is set to show on the report, the display also updates.