Report Results List
The Report List displays all reports matching the criteria that have been specified. The results displayed can be modified by selecting a different report group or by using the search and filter options presented above the list.
The reports are displayed in alphabetical order by default. Work Order Reports are an exception to this, as commonly accessed reports are displayed at the top of the list, followed by an alphabetical list of the remaining reports in the group. The display order can be changed by clicking a column header.
If a report name does not fully display, hover your cursor over the row to display a tool tip with the complete name. This tool tip may also show the Report Description, if specified on the Advanced Setup tab.
Clicking a report in the list selects the report, allowing you to initiate an action by clicking a button at the bottom of the window. Double-clicking a report name in the list automatically runs the report. Also, right-clicking the report in the list opens a menu.
Refer to the section on Sharing Reports for information on sharing reports with the MC Community.
The columns in the Report List are described in the list below:
Report Type: The first column displays an icon identifying the type of report:
Blue icon: Base report.
Green icon: Copied report.
Blue icon with chart: Base report with chart defined.
Green icon with chart: Copied report with chart defined.
Locked Report: The second column displays a locked icon
when the report setup is locked.
Custom / Pivot: The third column indicates whether the report is a custom, pivot, or vertical report:
Custom Reports
are specially formatted reports prepared outside of the reporter. In these types of report, such as the printed Work Order Report, the layout cannot be modified using reporter setup options. When a custom report is selected and run, there is no Setup option available from the Report Preview toolbar.
Pivot Reports are a special type of summary report that allow for dynamic aggregations of data along two dimensions. Data can be aggregated by field values such as shop and status, or even by date aggregations, such as months, quarters, or days of the week.
Vertical Reports are formatted as forms or labels, with field values vertically arranged.
Smart Elements: The fourth column displays a smart elements icon
for all reports that have smart mode turned on. This icon indicates that smart elements that have been defined will be activated on the report. If smart mode has not been turned on, no icon is displayed in the column.
Scheduled: The fifth column displays a scheduled icon
for all reports that have been scheduled for automated generation and distribution through email. If no schedule is currently defined for the report, no icon is displayed in the column.
The Maintenance Connection Service Agent is required for this feature to work.
Shared icon: The sixth columns displays an icon
indicating whether or not the report has been shared with the MC Community using the Smart Share Application.
Report Name: The seventh column lists the Report Name.
Last Edit / Last Run: The eighth and ninth columns indicate the respective dates the report was last edited or run. The report list is often sorted by these columns to more quickly locate recently modified or run reports.
You must click these columns twice to obtain these results, as the first click sorts the list, displaying the oldest records at the top.
Run Count: The last column indicates the number of times the report has been run. Sorting by this column provides valuable information about the reports that are used most in your organization.
If there are more reports than will fit on a page, page controls at the bottom of the page become active.
Click the Next button to move to the next page of results.
Click the Previous button to move to the previous page of results.
To move directly to a particular page, select that page from the Page x of x field.
The page refreshes with the new results.
At the bottom of the Report List are several buttons that allow you to initiate an action on the selected report.
The following options are available:
Copy Report: Typically you will copy a report prior to customizing it to ensure the original report does not change.
To copy the selected report, click the Copy Report button. The Report Copy window opens, prompting you to designate a name for your copied report. The window provides you with all Report Setup tabs and options so that you can modify the copied report as desired.
Setup Report: To modify the selected report, click the Setup Report button. The Report Setup window opens, providing options to modify the report layout.
For most reports, report fields and columns can be modified and numerous display options are available, such as Sort/Group, layout, Style/Format, or charts. Options are also available to automate report generation, add smart elements, and edit report security.
If the selected report is a custom report that includes custom formatting, the Layout tabs do not display.
Run Report: To run the selected report, click the Run Report button (you can also double click the report name). If the Use Default Criteria check box is selected, the selected report opens in the Report Preview window. If this option is not checked, the Report Criteria window opens, prompting you to verify or change the criteria for this execution of the report.
Close: If you accessed the Reporter from within the MRO, a Close button displays. To exit the Reporter, click Close. You are returned to the part of the application previously accessed. You can also re-select the Reports button
on the toolbar to close the Reporter.
Log Off: If you accessed the Reporter from the Application Chooser, a Log off button displays. To exit the Reporter, click Log off. The window closes and you are logged out of the system.