Format Sub-Tabs (Conditional Formatting)
There are three Format sub-tabs available from the Style/Format tab that you can use to apply conditional formatting to fields or columns in your report.
Conditional formatting allows you to specify special formatting when the value in a given field meets a certain criteria.
Add Conditional Formatting
Click the first Format sub-tab that has not been used.
Three Format sub-tabs are available to define conditional formatting.
Select the type of field that will be used to build your conditional criteria from the Criteria Type field.
The available options are:
Select the operator you want to use to create your conditional expression from the Operator field.
The available options depend on the type of field you selected in Step 2. Conditional expressions are similar to report criteria in that you are defining which records should be affected by the conditional formatting.
As an example, we will create a conditional format expression to highlight the Warranty Ends field if the warranty has expired or expires before a given date. In this example, we selected Date from the Criteria Type field. The standard options for date expressions display.
Select the operator you want to use for your expression from the Operator field.
If you select an operator that will require you to enter a value to complete the expression, a Value field appears directly below the Operator field.
Most expressions are built using a pre-defined value from the Operator field that does not require you to enter a value, such as Next Month. In these cases, the Value field does not appear.
If you are prompted to enter a value to complete the expression, enter the value in the Value field.
If Less Than was selected as the Operator, you would need to enter the date that the field should be compared against in the Value field. Dates can be entered in mm/dd/yyyy format or m/d/yy format.
Select the field against which the conditional expression is being evaluated from the Apply Criteria To field.
This field prompts you to select the column in which the field displays. To determine the correct column to select, refer to the Display field in the upper-right part of the Report Setup window. In this example, we will select Column 4 since [Asset] Warranty Ends is the fourth column defined in this report.
You can also use the All Columns option to apply the conditional formatting to all columns of the type specified in Step 2.
Select the part of the report to which the conditional formatting should apply from the Limit Criteria To field.
To apply the conditional formatting to all records in the report, select Report Data. To only have the conditional formatting apply to group sub-totals or summary data at the end of the report, select the appropriate Group or Total value.
Conditional formatting applied to group or report totals will only work for numeric fields.
Choose between two options:
Use the Format/Type fields to apply formatting:
Select the conditional formatting to be displayed if the field value meets the defined criteria from the first Format/Type field.
The HTML formatting associated with the selected style automatically populates into the Format Style field.
The Custom option is used whenever the HTML displayed in the Format Style field has been customized, as described below.
Choose between two options:
Select Cell from the second Format/Type field to apply the formatting to each cell that meets the criteria.
Select Row from the second Format/Type field to apply the formatting to the entire row of the record which meets the criteria.
If you want to modify the formatting, edit the code in the Format Style field.
If the code is modified, the value of the Format Type field changes to Custom.
Use the Style Editor to apply formatting:
Click the Edit button
to the right of the Format Style field.
The Style Editor opens.
Follow the Style Editor procedures to modify the formatting.
Click the Apply button.
If you accessed the Report Setup window from the Report List, you are returned to the Report List.
Remove Conditional Formatting
Click the Format sub-tab where the conditional formatting has been defined.
Select None from the Criteria Type field.
The remaining settings for the conditional formatting are saved, but will not be applied unless the Criteria Type field is changed back to its previous setting.
Click the Apply button.
Your changes are saved.