Sort/Group Sub-Tab

The default sub-tab displayed on the Report Setup General tab is the Sort/Group sub-tab, which provides settings to define up to five levels of sorting and data grouping.

Records in your report are ordered in the sort order you specify. For each sort order you define, you can designate whether the sort should be ascending or descending. If a sort field is configured to group, all records of the same type (sort value) are grouped together.

In the above example, all records of the same classification are grouped together. A group header listing the name of the Sort/Group field is in a bar above the records. If configured to total, the total number of records is listed at the end of the group, and numeric fields are summed.

For sub-groupings, the header specifies each level of grouping comprising that sub-group. For example, if the above report was set to group by Asset Classification and then sub-group by Repair Center, the sub-group header might look like: Air Purifier > North Repair Center.

Define report sorting and grouping:

  1. Click the General > Sort/Group sub-tab of the Report Setup window.

  2. Select the field you want to sort by from the appropriate Sort field.

    You should begin with the Sort 1 field when defining sort order to ensure the choices are logical. The field lists all available sort fields for this type of report. Keep the following information in mind about these fields:

    • The first value in the field is always None, which allows you to remove a sort designation.

    • The fields are ordered by table, with tables listed in alphabetical order.

    • Within each table, the fields are listed in alphabetical order.

    • Each field is listed in [Table] Field Name format, such as [Asset] Asset Name or [Work Order] Priority.

    • For most fields, an option to sort the field in descending order is available. These options are marked with the phrase (descend).

  3. If you want data for this sort field to be grouped together, select the Group check box.

    If you select this check box, three additional check boxes to the right of the Group check box become active. If the Sort field is not marked for grouping, these check boxes are inactive, as they apply only to grouped records.

  4. If the sort field is not set for grouping, skip to Step 7.

  5. To provide a page break at the end of each group in printed output, select the Page Break check box.

    The Custom Header options include several useful selections for aggregating data, such as listing all dates from the same Month together, with a header specifying the month. If you need assistance configuring a custom header, contact Accruent Support.

  6. To total the numeric fields included in the report and provide a count of records in the group footer, select the Total check box.

    Totaling can be disabled for individual fields even if this check box is selected, using the option available in the Report Field Options window.

  7. Repeat as necessary.

    If you define a sort field that makes a later sort illogical, the subsequent sort will be removed.

  8. Click the Apply button.