Summary/Detail Reports
On the right side of the General > Settings sub-tab are options that determine whether the report is a Detail or Summary report.
The majority of Maintenance Connection reports are Detail Reports, which list records from the system.
Detail reports that have been grouped on the Sort/Group sub-tab have records from the same group listed together, providing totals / calculations as specified. You can configure a detail report to only display totals by selecting the Totals Only check box.
By selecting the Totals Only check box, reports can be modified to only display the total calculations for each defined group. Text fields that involve no total calculations are excluded from these reports.
Summary Reports are used when aggregate calculations are performed, such as averages or counts. Summary Reports use advanced reporting features that are typically only modified by Maintenance Connection Support Staff.
Reports should never be changed from a Detail Report to a Summary Report. This setting is displayed more for informational purposes, allowing you to locate a summary report to use for copying and modification.