Purchase Orders Sub-Tab: Work Order
The Purchase Orders page displays any purchase orders associated with the work order. Purchase orders become associated with work orders in one of two ways:
A purchase order is created in which the work order is listed on the line item detail. If the purchase order is created from this page, the work order will automatically be associated with any line item added.
A direct issue item is placed on the parts estimate and the order is subsequently placed.
Field Descriptions
The Purchase Orders table includes the following fields:
Status Icon: An icon displaying the status of the purchase order.
Approval Icon: An icon displaying approval status, if approval is required. Approval status icons for purchase orders are the same as those described for work orders.
PO# / Invoice#: Purchase order number and invoice number.
Vendor: Vendor with whom the order was placed.
Order Date: The date the order was placed. The date defaults to the date the purchase order was created.
Qty Ordered: The quantity which was ordered.
Qty Received: The quantity that has been received.
Qty BO: The quantity that has been back ordered.
View Purchase Order
Click the purchase order row.
The complete purchase order record opens in a new window.
Click Close.
The window closes.
Create New Purchase Order for Direct Issue Item
This feature allows you to create a new purchase order and automatically associates any direct issue line items with the current work order. This function is only available to users with authorization to create a new Purchase Order.
Click New.
A window opens.
Enter the vendor you want to purchase from.
Open the Company lookup
to access a list of vendors. The Vendor ID will be placed in the Vendor field and the name of the vendor will be listed below the field.
Complete any additional fields desired on this Purchase Order Details page.
Verify that the correct shipping and billing information is specified on the available sub-tabs. For further information on this page, see the Details Tab – Purchase Orders article.
Click the Line Items tab to indicate the items to be ordered.
The Line Items page displays.
Click Add.
The Inventory Module lookup opens, allowing you to select one or more items.
Select Directly Issued from the Stock Room filter in the upper-left to indicate that this item is to be ordered directly for the work order.
You can use the Items Set as Direct Issue check box below the Stock Room filter to limit the results to only those items specifically designated for direct issue orders. This designation is made on the Inventory Items Details page.
Locate the item you want to add.
Click the item you want to add.
The Inventory Items window opens, with the current work order already selected in the Work Order field.
Complete the Inventory Items window, indicating the quantity you want to order.
For more information about adding line items, see the Add a Line Item procedures.
Click Apply/Close.
The Line Items page appears.
If you have authorization to issue the purchase order, follow the Print Purchase Orders (Issue to Vendor) procedures.
Click Save.
Click Close.
The Work Order Costs-Purchase Order page appears containing your new purchase order.
Any direct issue items placed on purchase orders associated with work orders can automatically be added to the Actual Parts section of the Work Order Costs page, depending on the value of a Purchase Order Preference.
Order Direct Issue Items
Order items that have been designated for direct issue on the Estimated Parts page:
Click the Order Items button.
The Order Items window opens.
Click the Direct Issue Items tab.
Click the Create Purchase Orders for Direct Issue Items check box.
Click the Select Direct Issue Items button.
A window opens, listing all direct issue requests / items awaiting purchase orders.
Locate the work order and click the row.
If you need to modify vendor information, click the Details button at the end of the row.
Click any additional rows if you wish to create purchase orders for any additional items.
Click Close.
Select the repair centers from the controls at the bottom of the window.
Click the Generate button.
Maintenance Connection generates purchase orders for the selected items. For more information on generating Purchase Orders, see: Order Direct Issue Items.