Estimated Tools: Add, Modify or Remove

The Tools (Estimates) section of the Work Order Costs page is initially populated with any estimated tools defined in a procedure associated with the work order. Work orders that include estimated tools are typically associated with a preventive maintenance schedule.

The Tools table is used to identify tools that will be needed to complete the work order. These tools are displayed on the Estimates page so that they can be displayed with the other material used. Since tools are borrowed rather than purchased, there is no immediate cost. Tools are not reflected on the Actuals Cost page.

ClosedField Definitions

The following fields are displayed for tools:

  • ID/Name: The ID and Name for the tool as defined in the Tools module.

  • Tool Room: The tool room from which the tool can be retrieved, as defined in the Tools module.

  • Estimated Quantity: The estimated quantity of the tool required.

ClosedAdd Estimated Tools

  1. Click Add.

    The Tools Module lookup opens.

  2. Use the filter and search controls to identify the items you want to add.

    You may find the Tool Room and Category filters helpful.

  3. Locate the tool you want to add.

  4. Click the tool you want to add.

    The tool is added to the My Selection(s) area of the window.

  5. Continue selecting additional tools as needed.

    To remove a record that has been added to the My Selection(s) area in error, click the blue arrow directly to the left of the row.

  6. Click Apply.

    The Tools Module lookup closes, and the new items are added to the Estimated Tools table. The tools listed are reserved for use with this work order until the work order is closed.

  7. Click Save.

ClosedModify Estimated Tools

  1. Click the row for the estimated tools you want to modify.

    The Tools (Estimates) window opens.

  2. Make your changes.

  3. Click Apply.

    The Estimates page appears.

  4. Click Save.

ClosedRemove Estimated Tools

  1. Click the check box to the left of the tool you want to remove.

    A check mark appears, indicating the record has been selected.

  2. Repeat step 1 until you have selected all tools you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove.

    The estimated tool is removed.

  4. Click Save.