Estimated Other Costs: Add, Modify or Remove
The Other Costs (Estimates) section of the Work Order Costs page is initially populated with any estimated other costs defined in a procedure associated with the work order. Work orders that include estimated other costs are typically associated with a preventive maintenance schedule.
The Other Costs table is used to identify any additional costs not stored in the Inventory module, such as the rental of equipment and travel expenses. Other costs are entered free form, meaning they are not retrieved from another module.
The following fields are displayed for other costs:
Name: A brief description for the cost so that it can be easily identified in the Other Costs table.
Company: Company with which this item is associated, such as a vendor.
Estimated Cost: The estimated cost for this item.
Mark Up: A markup for the cost.
Charge: The chargeable rate. This amount is calculated by multiplying the cost by the designated mark up, if applicable. If no markup is applied, the charge will be the same as the cost.
Click Add.
The Other Costs (Estimates) window opens.
Enter a description and cost, and modify additional information as needed.
The company, labor, account, and category should only be entered if they are required.
The cost and markup rates can be entered as needed. The charge rate will be automatically calculated when the cost and/or markup rates are entered.
Click Apply.
The Estimates page appears.
Click Save.
Click the row for the estimated other cost record you want to modify.
The Other Cost Estimates window opens.
Make your changes.
The company, labor, account, and category should only be entered if they are required.
The cost and markup rates can be modified as needed. The charge rate will be automatically calculated when the cost and/or markup rates are entered.
Click Apply.
The Estimates page appears.
Click Save.
Click the check box to the left of the estimated other cost you want to remove.
A check mark appears, indicating the record has been selected.
Repeat step 1 until you have selected all records you want to remove.
Click Remove.
The estimated other cost records are removed.
These records are also removed from the Actual Other Costs table displayed on the Costs – Actuals page.
Click Save.