Labor Report Sub-Tab: Work Order
The Labor Report page displays the notes and activity on the work order. In contrast to the individual notes created on the Notes / Status History page, the labor report is one continuous (ongoing) note regarding activity. This labor report is often completed as part of the Complete/Close process, as the note is available for editing in the Complete / Close dialog. The labor report can also be edited in an ongoing manner, as activity on the work order progresses.
In addition, the Labor Report page includes fields to record failures, and lists any follow up work orders created.
Field Definitions
The following fields are displayed on the Labor Report page:
Labor Report: Memo field to record ongoing activity with the work order.
The labor report can be edited directly by clicking inside the memo field and typing. Alternatively, you can click the Edit button to access a larger text editing window.
Failed Work Order Indicator: An indicator as to whether or not this has been designated a failed work order. A failed work order is when a technician was unable to fix the problem.
Although no specific action is initiated upon entering this indicator, it can be used to report against and/or email failed work orders.
Problem: The problem identified.
Failure Reason: The reason for the failure.
Solution: The solution for the problem.
Follow Up Work: A table listing any work orders created to follow up on discoveries made in the process of completing this work order. For each work order listed, the work order status, ID, and target date are provided.
A New button to add a new work order for follow up is available.
Edit Labor Report for Current Work Order
Choose between two options:
Type directly into the memo field displayed.
If you need more space to type:
Click the Edit button
in the upper-right corner of the field.
A View/Edit Text window opens.
Enter desired information into the text area.
Click Apply.
Add commonly used actions:
Click the Add button in the upper-right corner of the memo field.
The Actions lookup opens.
Select a value from this lookup by clicking it.
The lookup will close and the value selected will be placed into the Labor Report.
Add additional data as needed.
Click Save.
Edit Failure Information
Click the Failed Work Order check box.
This flag indicates that the technician was unable to fix the identified problem.
Enter the problem identified by the technician.
You can use the Module lookup
to access a list of problems stored in the Failures module.
From the Module lookup, you can click the check box provided under the Type filter to limit the results to those associated with this asset classification.
Enter the reason for the failure by the technician.
You can use the Module lookup
to access a list of failure reasons stored in the Failures module.
Enter the solution identified by the technician.
You can use the Module lookup
to access a list of solutions stored in the Failures module.
Click Save.
Create Follow-Up Work Order
Click New in the Follow-up Work area.
A New Work Order window opens, prompting you to enter information regarding the follow up work required.
The reason for the work order will automatically be populated, providing information regarding the source work order and asset. Additional fields such as type, requester and target dates will also be populated with default values. You can change any of these values as needed.
The Asset field is not automatically populated and must be retrieved.
Click Save.
The Work Order window remains open, allowing you to enter additional changes, such as a status change or assignment.
When you have finished making changes, click Close.
The Work Order window closes, returning you to the Labor Report page with the new work order listed in the Follow-Up Work area.
View Follow-Up Work Order
Click the row identifying the follow-up work order.
A window opens.
Use the tabs to view any additional data.
To make any changes to the work order, enter your edits.
If changes are made, the work order must be saved.
Click Close.
The Work Order window will close, returning you to the Labor Report page.