Undo Work Order Generation
You can undo work order generation in the event work orders were generated in error. The process of undoing work order generation deletes all work orders that were created in the process, and resets the scheduled dates in the preventive maintenance schedule.
Only the most recent completed work order generation can be undone.
Choose between two options:
Select Actions > Work Orders from the main menu.
Click the Generate Work Orders button in the Preventive Maintenance section of the Home Page.
The Generate Work Orders window opens.
Click the History button.
A work order generation history displays. A record is listed for each work order generation performed. Each record displays:
The name of the individual who generated the work orders. This will list the individual who ran the process. Records that list System Agent were automatically generated based on settings in the Preventive Maintenance Schedule.
The date the work orders were generated.
The number of work orders that were originally generated.
The number of work orders that remain from this original group. This excludes work orders that have been deleted.
Whether or not the generation was undone. If the generation was undone, a check mark will appear in the Undone column.
Select the work order generation you want to undo.
Work orders cannot be undone unless they are the most recently completed generation.
Click the Undo button.
A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.
Click Yes.
The process starts. When the process is complete, a dialog box will open with the message that the work order generation has been successfully undone.
Click Close.
The Work Order Generation History window appears with the generation marked as undone.
Click Close.
The Generate Work Orders window opens.
Click Close.
The Generate Work Orders window closes.