Generate the Work Orders
The Generate Work Orders window allows you to specify repair centers, how far in the future work orders should be generated, and the days work should be scheduled.
A Preventive Maintenance Preference is available to determine whether or not manual work order generation should occur in the background. It is recommended that you set this preference to Yes to improve efficiency and eliminate time out errors encountered when large batches are generated.
Generate work orders based on the due dates defined in preventive maintenance schedules:
Choose between two options:
Select Actions > Work Orders from the main menu.
Click the Generate Work Orders button in the Preventive Maintenance section of the Home Page.
The Generate Work Orders window opens.
Choose between two options:
Double-click the repair center for which you want to generate work orders.
The repair center is moved to the Selected field.
To select multiple repair centers at once:
Press and hold the CTRL button on your keyboard to select multiple values.
Click the Move button
The repair centers are moved to the Selected field.
Choose between two options:
To only generate work orders due on today’s date or earlier, click the Generate Work Orders that are due option button.
Generate all work orders due up to a date in the future:
Click the Generate Work Orders that are due through the date of option button.
Enter the date up to which you want to generate work orders in the date field.
The date defaults to one month from the current date. You can enter a date up to 365 days in the future.
Choose between two options:
To prevent work orders from being scheduled on the dates specified in preferences, select the Use the settings for Non-Work Days found in Options/Preferences option button.
For information on setting this preference, see Preventive Maintenance Module Preferences.
To specify which days you do not want work orders scheduled:
Select the Use the settings for Non-Work Days below option button.
Once this setting has been selected, the check boxes for the days of the week are enabled.
Click the check box for each day of the week that should not have work orders scheduled.
To preview the list of work orders that will be generated by this process:
Click the Preview button.
A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.
Click Yes.
Maintenance Connection will proceed to generate the list. You are warned to wait while the process is completed.
When the list is complete, you will be notified that the preview is complete.
Click Close.
A list of all work orders to be generated displays. Each work order will specify the priority, target date and hours, procedure, asset, and location.
Alternating colors are used to separate work orders for easier identification. When work orders have been designated to generate as part of a group, they will be listed together with the same background color. If the work orders are to be generated in a master/child relationship, only the master work order in the group will be displayed.
To view all work orders to be generated in a group, click the Show All Work Orders in Groups check box.
The page refreshes, listing each individual work order. The child members of the group will be listed directly below the master work order.
To print this list, click the Print button.
The list prints.
When you are finished previewing the list, click the Close button.
The Generate Work Orders window appears.
Click the Generate button.
A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.
Click Yes.
If your organization has set the PM Preference for Background Generation to Yes, a dialog box appears, telling you that your request has been sent to the queue for processing.
If your organization has set the PM Preference for Background Generation to No, a dialog box appears, telling you that the work orders are being generated.
When the process is complete, the dialog box tell you that the work orders have been generated successfully.
Click Close.
The dialog box closes.
Click Close.
The Generate Work Orders window closes.
If the PM Generation is occurring in the background, a brief notice will appear on the bottom-right of your screen when the generation is complete.