Session Manager
The Maintenance Connection Session Manager allows administrators to manage sessions in both the Main Application (MRO) and MC Express. This tool is accessed external to the Main Application, allowing administrators to view and terminate sessions even if a concurrent license is not available to log into the system. The Session Manager is used by organizations managed under Concurrent Licensing, allowing sessions to be terminated to free up an available concurrent license.
Use the Maintenance Connection Session Manager:
Open a new browser tab and enter the proper URL to access the tool:
For Cloud Hosted customers:
For On-Premise customers: https://[servername]/mcsession
The exact URL for On-Premise customers will vary based on the location where Maintenance Connection is installed. Contact your System Administration for details.
Once accessed, this address can be bookmarked for easier access.
On the Session Manager Log In page, enter your Member ID and Password.
Click Log In.
Maintenance Connection will validate your member ID and password and verify that you have access permission. If there are any issues, a message displays.
If you are a member of multiple organizations, the Company Selection page opens allowing you to choose a company.
The Session Manager opens, showing the members currently logged into the Main Application (MRO) and MC Express.
To notify a user before terminating his session, click the user's name to send him an email.
To remove a session, click the red X next to the user's name.
The session is terminated and the page refreshes.
To refresh the Session Manager with any activity since you first accessed the page, click the Refresh option at the bottom of the page.
To exit the Session Manager, click Log Out.