Free-Form Text fields
Text fields that are free-form (not validated by a lookup) allow you to enter a value directly into the field prompt. The Serial Number field is an example of a field that allows free-form entry.
The options in the field that define the relationship between the field and the specified text for this type of field are as follows:
Selecting is returns all records in which the field matches the specified value.
For example, Serial is 345 will return all assets with serial numbers 345.
Selecting contains returns all records in which the field contains the specified value, regardless of where the value is placed in the field.
For example, Serial contains 345 will return all assets with the numbers 345 contained in the serial number, such as 6 345 or 21 3456.
Selecting begins with returns all records in which the field begins with the specified value.
For example, Serial begins with 345 will return all assets with serial numbers beginning 345, such as 3457 (but not 6345).
Selecting ends with returns all records in which the field ends with the specified value.
For example, Serial ends with 345 will return all assets with serial numbers ending in 345, such as 6345 (but not 3457).
Selecting is not only returns records in which the field does not match the specified value.
For example, Serial is not 345 will return all records in which the value for serial number is something other than 345.