Text Message Action

The Text Message action is used to initiate a text message when the defined event occurs. You can define the recipients and content of the text.

To define the settings for the text, click the Text Message check box.

Text message addresses for recipients are stored in the SMS Email field in designated modules. For example, Labor Records, Requesters and Shops. These fields should be populated with the user's 10 digit cell phone number and the carrier's gateway for this service.

The carrier gateway that should be used depends on whether or not asset or labor photos will be included in any text messages, as specified on the Settings sub-tab. If photos will ever be included, the carrier's MMS (Multi-Media Messaging Service) gateway must be used, as carriers may reject messages with attachments sent to SMS addresses.

As an example, Verizon uses [[email protected]] for standard SMS text messaging and [[email protected]] for MMS. Similarly, AT&T uses [[email protected]] for standard SMS text messaging and [[email protected]] for MMS.

Additional information is listed below the Asset and Labor Photo check boxes on the Settings sub-tab.

The following sub-tabs are available to define the text message:

The Maintenance Connection Service Agent is required for Rules that include Email, Text Message, Phone Call, and Database Script actions.