Batch Update
The Batch Update feature allows you to update the same field in multiple records in one step. Using the Expanded List, you select the records to update, select the desired field, and then specify a new value.
This feature provides appropriate lookups and validations when specifying a new value, helping to ensure data integrity. Common uses include changing the shift on work orders during a pass-down to the next shift, modifying the sub-status on a series of work orders, or updating the shop or manufacturer on a set of assets.
Only members associated with an Access Group with permission to perform a Batch Update will have this feature available.
Perform a batch update:
Open the module where you want to make updates.
Locate and select the records you want to update.
Click the Update button.
The Update window opens.
Select the field you want to update.
Enter or select the new value in the New Value field.
Click Apply.
A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.
Click Yes.
The records are updated and the Expanded List page appears. The updated records remain selected.