Attach: Purchase Orders
The Attach tab lists the documents, notes, and rules that are attached to the purchase order.
The Documents section of the page lists the documents associated with the purchase order. Documents can be designated to show in the bottom section of the Purchase Order report, or display as a link in a separate Purchase Order Documents section.
The features to add, edit, remove, and view documents are similar in all modules of Maintenance Connection and are described fully in the following sections:
The Notes section of the page lists any notes associated with the purchase order. Maintenance Connection automatically creates notes to track status changes made to the purchase order.
The features to add, edit, or remove notes are similar in all modules of Maintenance Connection and are fully described in Notes.
The Rules section of the page lists any rules associated with the purchase order. This allows you to create a rule that is only tied to the specific record. For more information, see Record Based Rules.