Purchase Order Report Display

The Purchase Order report displayed when you access the Reports tab can be customized for your organization during implementation. The Purchase Order report may be different than what is described in the following sections.

The format and layout of the Purchase Order report is determined by numerous Repair Center preferences. When this report is run from the Purchase Order module, the logged in user's Repair Center is used to determine the preferences to honor. If the report is sent through an automated process, such as a Rule Action or Scheduled Report, the Repair Center on the Report Setup - Advanced tab will be used to determine the preference values to honor.

The following information is displayed on the Purchase Order:

  • Summary information

    • The Purchase Order Number is listed at the top of the page. If configured in Purchase Order Preferences, a barcode for the PO will also be listed as the top.

    • Vendor Information is listed in the To: box on the upper-left, conveniently placed for window envelopes.

    • Ship To information is listed in the box on the upper-right, retrieved from Shipping Info.

    • Summary information regarding the purchase date, buyer, terms and shipping information is listed in the section that follows. This information is primarily retrieved from the Purchase Order Details page.

  • Line Items

    • The items included on the purchase order are individually listed below the summary information. The item description, quantity ordered, discount, and line item total are typically displayed for each item.

    • If configured in Purchase Order Preferences, a barcode for each inventory item displays.

  • Documents

    • An optional Documents section can display, including links for any Documents from the Attach tab that are configured with the Display as Links on PO setting.

  • Billing and Total Information

    • In the next section, billing information is provided along with purchase order totals. The totals displayed include the subtotal for the items listed above and shipping and tax costs. Shipping costs are retrieved from the Details page.

  • Approvals

    • At the bottom of the purchase order, approvals are listed.