After defining the recurrence of a schedule, you must determine when to start and end generating work orders for the schedule. The Seasonally from X to X does not appear for all schedules.
Select the date when work orders should start generating for the schedule from the Start recurring on / after field.
Choose one of the following options:
No end date: Select this option to indicate that work orders should generate for the schedule indefinitely.
This is the default value for newly created schedules.
Seasonally from X to X: Select this option to indicate that work orders should generate for the schedule seasonally each year within the dates specified.
Seasonal recurrences that span two calendar years must be entered as two separate schedules. That is, a seasonal schedule that spans from October to March must be created using two schedules, one for October through December and one for January through March.
End after X occurrence(s): Select this option to indicate that work orders should generate for the schedule a designated number of times.
End after: Select this option to indicate that work orders should stop generating for this schedule after the designated fixed date.
Click Save.
Select the Disable Recurring Schedule check box at the bottom of the page.
This setting will prevent work orders from being generated for the schedule without deleting the schedule completely.
Click Save.