Rotate Parts (Serialized Parts)
Maintenance Connection supports the management of rotating parts. Rotating parts are defined as single parts that have serialized assets associated with them. These assets are then rotated in and out of use (or production). To best illustrate how rotating parts are managed in the system, it is helpful to make a comparison to standard parts:
Standard Parts are managed from the perspective of total quantity, with inventory levels decreasing as parts are used. Individual records are not maintained for each on-hand unit; only the total inventory on-hand is displayed on Inventory Stock Rooms.
When standard parts are issued on a work order, the item is presumed to have been consumed, and inventory levels are reduced accordingly. Transaction histories, which list the individual transactions that increase and decrease inventory levels, are reported on the Transactions tab.
Rotating Parts are managed from the perspective of individual assets that correspond to on-hand inventory. As a rotating part is created, asset records are created corresponding to the quantity on-hand, for example, five asset records would be created for a part with five units on hand.
Each of these asset records are then serialized and rotated in and out of production. These asset records can be rotated using a work order (actual part record) or by using drag and drop (or cut and paste) functions in the Asset List. As these asset records are rotated, available inventory in each stock room is increased and decreased accordingly. The items are never presumed to be consumed.
If a serialized asset will no longer be used, it must be deleted from the Asset List or set as inactive. The current location for individual assets is listed on Inventory Rotating Assets. Transaction histories, which identify how rotations have affected available inventory in the stock room, are listed on Inventory Rotations.
Assets associated with rotating parts are displayed in the Stock Rooms node of the Asset List. This node of the list is organized into a hierarchy of folders, such as Repair Center > Stock Room > Part > Bin. The serial number is displayed in parenthesis after the Asset Name (54631).
Rotating parts are created like any other inventory item; however, the user must ensure that the Rotating Part check box is selected on the Inventory Details page.
When this check box is selected, a warning message displays, ensuring that you understand the implications of setting up a part in this manner.
As stock room inventory is increased through the creation or adjustment to inventory, associated assets are created. Both purchase order receipts and adjustments to stock room inventory automatically create asset records for each item, in addition to incrementing total inventory.
For example, a purchase of two Motors would increase stock room inventory for that item by two and create two independent asset records for the items in the Asset List. These records are placed in the Stock Room node of the Asset List. This node of the list is organized into a hierarchy of folders, such as Repair Center - Stock Room - Part - Bin.
Rotating assets must be serialized to allow for identification when rotating in and out of stock rooms. Rotating assets can be serialized from within the Inventory module or the Asset module.
Assets associated with a rotating part can be rotated in and out of the stock room from a designated node of the Asset List (production). They can also be moved between active nodes of the Asset List (moved to a different location) and between available stock room nodes.
When moving or returning a rotating part to a stock room node of the list, the asset record can only be placed in a stock room in which the bin folder already exists. Rotating parts can only be moved to a stock room - bin folder that has already been defined for the part.
Assets can be rotated from the Asset List or Work Order Costs page:
Asset List: Assets associated with rotating parts can be moved around the Asset List like any other asset. To move an asset out of a stock room and into production, the item is selected in the Asset List Stock Room node and moved to an active node of the list. The inventory for the item is reduced (by one unit) to indicate that it is no longer available in the stock room.
Additionally, the Inventory Transactions page is updated to reflect that the asset was rotated out of the stock room. This same process is used to move assets out of a production node and into the stock room node, in which case, inventory levels are increased.
You can also move assets associated with rotating parts from one active (production) node of the Asset List to another, using standard cut and paste techniques. Since this movement does not affect on-hand inventory levels in a given stock room, the transaction will not be recorded on the Inventory Transactions tab. The move will, however, be recorded on the Asset History: Location Changes.
Work Order Costs page: Assets associated with rotating parts can also be moved by entering the required information on the Work Order Costs tab (Actuals) of a work order associated with the parent asset. An asset can be rotated from a stock room onto the asset associated with the work order (it becomes a child of the designated asset). In addition, an asset that currently resides as a child of the work order asset can be replaced with an asset from a stock room. The original asset can be returned to the stock room or a new location can be designated for it.
Serial numbers must be specified to determine the correct assets to move. If a serial number is not entered, no movement will occur.
If an asset associated with a part needs to be permanently removed, the item must be deleted from the Asset List. Stock room inventory will be updated accordingly and the disposal will be identified on the Inventory Transactions tab.
The actual Inventory Item should not be deleted from Maintenance Connection. In fact, the system will not allow you to delete a part marked as rotating if it has any associated assets (any assets displayed on Rotating Assets). Rather, these items should be made inactive on the Inventory Details tab.
To delete an inventory item that has been marked as rotating, you must first delete all rotating assets associated with it.