Transactions: Inventory
The Transactions tab provides a series of sub-tabs summarizing the transactions that have resulted in current inventory levels.
The filters at the top of the page allow you to filter transactions to particular repair centers, stock rooms, or effective dates.
Repair Center: Enables you to view transactions from specific repair centers or all repair centers.
Stock Room: Enables you to view transactions from a particular stock room or all stock rooms.
From: Enables you to view transactions that took place after a particular date.
The date defaults to display transactions occurring in the last 90 days. If you change the date, click the arrow button
to refresh the results.
The default display includes smart elements that allow you to open associated labor, work order, or purchase order records by clicking the appropriate field or row. Features on this page also allow you to print, export, or email the displayed data, refresh the displayed results, and modify the configuration of the display.
The default setup for each sub-tab, which may have been altered in your organization, includes a row for each transaction, grouped by stock room and repair center.