Rotations: Inventory

The Rotations sub-tab on the Inventory Transactions tab displays transactions that have resulted from the rotation of assets in and out of available stock rooms. Rotation transactions are only displayed for inventory items designated as rotating.

These columns display by default:

  • Transaction Date: Date of transaction.

  • Initials: Initials of user creating the transaction.

  • Type: Type of transaction.

  • Location: Affected location (stock room).

  • Qty: Transaction quantity.

  • Balance: Balance quantity at the time of the transaction.

If applicable to the transaction, the below fields may also be displayed.

  • WO#: Work order number.

  • PO#: Purchase order number.

  • Rcpt#: Receipt number.

  • Qty Conv: Quantity converted.

Records are grouped by bin if more than one bin is specified for the item.

Rotations are created in one of the following ways:

  • Asset List: Rotating assets can be moved around the Asset List like any other asset. To move a rotating asset out of a stock room and into production, the asset is selected in the Asset List Stock Room node and moved to an active node of the list. A Rotate Out transaction is created and displayed on this page. This same process is used to move assets out of a production node and into the stock room node (in which case a Rotate In transaction would be created).

    Rotating assets can also be moved from one active (production) node of the Asset List to another, using the standard cut and paste technique. Since this movement does not affect available inventory levels in a given stock room, the transaction is not recorded on the Inventory Transactions tab. However, the move is recorded on the Asset History: Location Changes.

  • Work Order Costs page: Rotating assets can also be moved by entering the required information on Work Order Costs: Actuals of a work order associated with the parent asset. The following options are available when using the Work Order Actual Parts page:

    • An asset can be rotated from a stock room onto the asset associated with the work order (it becomes a child of the designated asset).

    • A rotating asset currently residing as a child of the work order asset can be replaced by an asset from a stock room. The original asset can be returned to the stock room or a new location can be designated for it.

Serial numbers must be entered to determine the correct assets to move. If a serial number is not entered, no movement can be done.

Rotation transactions, displayed only for rotating inventory items, are also included on the All sub-tab as they affect total available inventory.