Details: Inventory
The Details page, displayed by default when you create a new inventory item or first open an inventory item in the Inventory module, displays key information about the inventory item.
Part Info
The following fields are displayed on the Inventory Details page in the Part Info pane:
Part ID/ Internal ID/ Name: Identifying fields for the item. The Part ID field is used to uniquely identify the item. The Name field is typically a more descriptive indicator. The Part ID and Name fields are both displayed in the Inventory List. The Internal ID field can be used for additional identifying information based on internal processes.
You can set preferences to determine if the Part ID or Internal ID fields should be displayed in the Inventory module List and Search.
Part Barcode: A barcode icon is displayed to the right of the Part ID. Clicking the icon opens the Print/Preview Barcode window, which displays the barcode for the part.
A QR code icon also displays if your organization has been set up to use QR codes to provide direct log in to MC Express.
Description: A field you can use to enter a description of the item, if needed. The View/Edit Text button
to the left of the field can be used to open a larger editing area.
Category Classification: The category and classification for the item.
Model/Manufacturer: The model for the item if applicable and the manufacturer.
Ship Weight: The shipping weight for the item.
Shelf Life: The shelf life, if the item has a limited shelf life.
Cost/Charge Info and Auto Update Fields
The following fields are displayed in the Cost/Charge Info (per Issue Unit) and Auto-Update Procedures panes of the Inventory Details page:
Cost Rule: Cost rule to be applied to this inventory item. The rule you select determines the cost that populates when parts are recorded against an open work order, during the process of adding or updating part cost records.
Most Maintenance Connection customers use the Standard Cost, Last Cost, and Average Cost methods. The additional cost rules available in the Cost Rule field (LIFO and FIFO) require more complex setup and administration. If you want to use these methods, you should contact an Implementation Consultant for assistance.
Average Cost: Average cost, based on the average of all completed purchase orders for this item.
Last Order Cost: Cost recorded for this item on the last completed purchase order.
Cost: Fixed cost to be used if the Standard Cost cost rule is chosen.
Charge Price and Charge Percentage: Charge price to be applied to work order parts. These rates are often used for customer or internal department charge backs. The Charge Price is a fixed rate. The Charge Percentage calculates the cost as a markup based on the percentage indicated.
For example, an item with a standard cost of $10 and a charge percent of 10 (indicating 10 %) would result in a charge rate of $11.00 recorded for work order part costs.
If both a Charge Rate and Charge Percentage are defined for the item, the charge rate is used.
Apply to all Stock Rooms: Ensures that the above costs are applied to all stock rooms in which the item resides.
Auto-Update Cost: Ensures that estimated costs are accurately populated in work orders generated from associated procedures.
Auto-Update with: Determines the cost to be applied.
Auto Update Charge: Ensures that estimated charge rates defined for parts included in any procedures are updated whenever the charge rate is changed.
Apply to all Stock Rooms: Determines whether or not the Auto-Update Procedures should be applied to all stock rooms.
The following fields on the Inventory Details page determine the status of the item:
Active: Used to mark the item as active. Clear this check box if the item is discontinued to ensure the item does not show up when you search for inventory items. The item continues to be available in the Inventory List.
Rotating Part? (Serialized): Used to mark that this inventory item is associated with rotating assets. Rotating assets can be stocked in inventory (stock rooms) and rotated in and out of production to different locations as needed. Individual asset records are created for each rotating item maintained.
Clearing (or selecting) Rotating Part? (Serialized) triggers a warning message ensuring that you understand the implications of making an item rotating or removing the designation.
Once an inventory item has been marked as a rotating part, this setting should not be changed. Otherwise, the associated assets and inventory will be deleted. -
Direct Issue Part? (Order as Needed): Used to mark that the item is typically ordered on a direct issue basis. This ensures that the item is displayed in the Inventory module Lookup when the results are filtered to display only Items Set as Direct Issue.
Available for Service Requests?: This field does not have a functional connection with service requests. If this field appears in your installation, we recommend using it as a user-defined (UDF) check box field as needed. You can use the Forms Manager to update the field label to serve your purposes.
Hazardous?: Used to mark the item as hazardous.
Order Info and Photo
The following order information fields display on the Inventory Item Details page:
Last Ordered: The date the item was last ordered. This field is only updated after a purchase order is closed.
Last Issued: The date the item was last issued on a work order (placed as an actual part on a work order that has been closed)
Website: Address of vendor or ordering web pages