Order Parts
The Order Parts feature is a tool used to order stock items requiring reorder and requested direct issue Items. The feature creates purchase orders for all items to be ordered. You can automatically order all items requiring purchase in a single step or individually select items to order.
You can only use this feature for parts with a defined reorder quantity, an established vendor relationship, and defined Ship To and Bill To parameters in the associated Stock Room and Repair Center.
Repair Center approval settings are not honored when this feature is used.
Order Stocked Items
The Stocked Items tab of the Order Parts feature is used to order stock items requiring reorder. Users who are members of access groups with access to this feature can create purchase orders for all items designated for order or reorder. You can automatically order all items requiring purchase in a single step or individually select items to order. The Order Items feature uses default values to create purchase orders for items requiring reorder.
For a purchase order to be created for a particular item, the following values must be populated:
The inventory item must have at least one established vendor relationship for the designated stock room or for all stock rooms.
The inventory item must have a defined reorder quantity that is greater than 0 (established on Inventory Item Stock Room page).
The associated stock room must have defined Ship To and Bill To information.
If any of these values are not populated for a given inventory item, a purchase order will not be created for that item. The item will be skipped when Maintenance Connection generates the requested purchase orders.
Order inventory items retained in stock:
Select Actions > Order Parts from the Main Menu.
The Order Parts window opens.
Ensure the Stocked Items tab is selected.
Click the Create Purchase Orders for Stocked Items check box at the top of the window.
The options in the window become enabled to allow you to specify which items should be ordered.
Choose between two options:
Order all items below the designated reorder point:
Select the option to: Create purchase orders for all Stocked Items where the current stock level is at or below the reorder point.
This option results in purchase orders being created for all items requiring reorder, based on defined reorder points. To determine which items require reorder, the total inventory, which are the items available and on order, is compared against the designated reorder point.
If this total is equal to or less than the designated reorder point, the item will be ordered. The quantity ordered will be based on the reorder quantity designated on Stock Rooms for this item and the reorder formula defined as an Inventory module Preference.
To preview the items that will be ordered from this option, follow steps a-b below to access the Select Stocked Items window. All items below designated reorder points appear in red. Once you have viewed the list, close the window and reset the Order Items window to automatically create purchase orders based on reorder points.
Skip to step 5.
Choose the items to order:
Select the Manually select the Stocked Items to reorder option button.
The Select Stock Items button becomes enabled, allowing you to designate the items to order.
Click the Select Stock Items button.
The Select Stock Items window opens, listing inventory items, current inventory levels, and designated reorder points. The following information summarizes the Select Stock Items window:
For each inventory item listed, the dialog displays Item Name and ID, Stock Room, Bin, and Inventory Levels. Items below the reorder point are listed in red.
Items that are highlighted with a Details button to the right have been designated for ordering and will be included in the next order. Items remain highlighted until this designation is removed, even if you exit this feature and return at a later date or time.
A: Number of items currently available. This number is calculated by subtracting the number reserved from the number on hand. This means the available designation indicates the inventory available if estimated / reserved parts are used as anticipated.
R: Number of items on reserve. Items are placed on reserve when estimated parts are defined for a work order.
OH: Number of items currently on hand. This number should correspond to the actual number of items currently in stock (physical count).
OO: Number of items currently on order. All items on order are included, even those from purchase orders that have not yet been issued.
RP: The defined reorder point.
To display only items designated for reorder based on reorder points, select Stocked Items to Reorder from the Status filter.
The page refreshes, displaying only items requiring reorder based on designated reorder points.
Select any item for which you want to process an order.
If a default vendor has never been defined for manual ordering of this item, the Order Details window opens, prompting you to designate the vendor to use.
If a default vendor has been previously defined for this item, the vendor information will be associated with the item and it will be tagged for ordering. The row will be highlighted to indicate that it will be included in the next order.
A Details button appears to the right of the row in the event you want to view or modify the order information.
Choose between two options:
Modify the order/vendor details:
Click the Details button.
Proceed to step g.
If you do not want to modify the order/vendor details, skip to step f.
Choose between two options:
Repeat step d - e as necessary.
Skip to step h.
If you accessed the Order Details window, enter default vendor and order information as follows:
Select the vendor you want to order from.
By default, the vendors are filtered to those specifically configured for this item.
The order details for the default or selected vendor are listed in the Vendor area in the bottom half of the window. The vendor defaults to the one listed with the highest priority for this stock room on the Inventory Item's Vendor page.
At the bottom of the window, current inventory levels are listed for the item along with information about items on order. The amount listed as On Order – Open reflects the total items on order. The amount listed as On Order – Approved reflects the number of items on order which are associated with purchase orders that have been issued.
Make your changes.
Click Apply/Close.
The window closes. The Select Stock Items window reopens. The item modified is highlighted with a Details button to the right. The default parameters that have been set for this item will remain in effect for any future orders.
Click Close.
The Order Parts window opens.
Choose between two options:
Select the Reorder by overall Total balance option button if you want to calculate reorder points based on the total balance of all bins in the stock room that contain the same item.
Select the Reorder by individual Bin balances option button if you want to calculate reorder points based on each individual bin's balance that contains the same item.
Select the repair center you want to order parts for from the Stock Rooms Available at Repair Center field.
The stock rooms for the repair center appear in the field below.
Select the stock room you want to order parts for.
Press and hold the CTRL button on your keyboard to select multiple values.
Click the Right Arrow button
to move the selected stock rooms to the Stock Rooms Selected field.
Repeat as necessary.
Designate direct issue items to order:
Click the Direct Issue Items tab.
Follow the Order Direct Issue Items procedures below before completing this process.
Click the Generate button.
A dialog box displays a message that the process is underway. When the process is complete, the dialog box updates with a message that purchase orders have been generated successfully.
Click the OK button.
Maintenance Connection creates purchase orders for all designated items that possess the correct default values. The generated purchase orders will have a status of Requested.
If the option to create purchase orders for manually selected items was chosen, only the manually selected items are ordered, regardless of designated reorder points.
If the option to create purchase orders for all items below designated reorder points was selected, Maintenance Connection creates orders for those items, regardless of what may have been designated individually for items in the Select Stocked Items window.
If multiple items are ordered from the same vendor (with the same shipping and billing information), they will be combined onto a single purchase order.
Order Direct Issue Items
The Direct Items tab on the Order Parts feature is used to order direct issue items requested through work orders. The feature creates purchase orders for all items designated for ordering. For further information on initiating direct issue requests in the Work Order module, see Estimated Parts: Work Order Costs / Estimates.
You can automatically order all items requiring purchase in a single step or individually select items to order.
The Order Items feature uses default values to create purchase orders for direct issue requests.
For a purchase order to be created for a particular item, the following values must be populated:
The inventory item must have at least one established vendor relationship for all stock rooms.
The associated Repair Center (as designated on the work order) must have predefined Ship To and Bill To information.
If any of these values are not populated for a given inventory item, a purchase order will not be created for that item. The item will be skipped when Maintenance Connection generates the requested purchase orders.
Order direct issue items:
Choose between two options:
Select Actions > Order Items from the Main Menu.
Select the Order Inventory Items option in the Inventory Info section of the Inventory Module Home page.
The Order Items window opens.
Click the Direct Issue Items tab.
Click the Create Purchase Orders for Direct Issue Items check box at the top of the window.
The options in the window are enabled to allow you to specify which items should be ordered.
Choose between two options:
Order all items requested for direct issue on work orders:
Select the Automatically create purchase orders for all Direct Issue Items specified on work orders option button.
To preview the items that will be ordered from this option, follow steps a-b to access the Select Direct Issue Items window. All items requested are listed in the window. Once you have viewed the list, close the window and reset the Order Items window to automatically create purchase orders for all direct issue items.
Skip to step 5.
Choose the items to order:
Select the Manually Select the Direct Issue Items to reorder option button.
The Select Direct Issue Items button is enabled, allowing you to designate the items to order.
Click the Select Direct Issue Items button.
The Select Direct Issue Items window opens, listing all inventory items requested for direct issue on work orders.
Items that are have a Details button to the right have been previously selected (manually) for ordering and will be included in the next order. Items remain highlighted until this designation is removed, even if you exit this feature and return at a later date or time.
Select any item for which you want to process an order.
If a default vendor has never been defined for manual ordering, the Order Details Popup displays, prompting you to designate the vendor to use.
If a default vendor has been previously defined for this item, the vendor information will be associated with the item and it will be tagged for ordering. The row will be highlighted to indicate that it will be included in the next order. A Details button appears to the right of the row in the event you want to view or modify the order/vendor information.
Choose between two options:
View or modify the order/vendor details:
Click the Details button.
Proceed to step f.
If you do not want to modify the order/vendor details, skip to step e.
Choose between two options:
Repeat step c - d as necessary.
Skip to step g.
If you have accessed the Order Details window, enter the default vendor and order information as follows:
Select your preferred vendor.
By default, the vendors will be filtered to those specifically setup for this item on the Inventory Vendor page.
The order details for the default or selected vendor will be listed in the Vendor area at the bottom half of the window. The vendor will default to the one listed with the highest priority on the Vendor page.
Make your changes.
Click Apply/Close.
The window closes.
The Select Direct Issue Items window reopens. The modified item is highlighted and has a Details button to the right. The default parameters that have been set for this item will remain in effect for any future orders.
Click Close.
The Order Items window appears.
Select the repair center you want to order direct issue items for from the Repair Centers Available field.
Press and hold the CTRL button on your keyboard to select multiple values.
Click the Right Arrow button
to move your selection to the Repair Centers Selected field.
The repair centers are moved to the Repair Centers Selected field.
Designate stocked items to order:
Click the Stocked Items tab.
Follow the Order Stocked Items procedures above before completing this process.
Click the Generate button.
A dialog box displays a message that the process is underway. When the process is complete, the dialog box updates with a message that purchase orders have been generated successfully.
Click the OK button.
Maintenance Connection creates purchase orders for all designated items that possess the correct default values. The generated purchase orders will have a status of Requested.
If the option to create purchase orders for manually selected items was chosen, only manually selected items will be ordered.
If the option to automatically create purchase orders for all items requested was selected, Maintenance Connection creates orders for those items, regardless of what may have been designated individually for items in the Select Direct Issue Items window.
If multiple items are to be ordered from the same vendor (with the same shipping and billing information), they will be combined onto a single purchase order.