Predictive Problems: Asset
The Predictive Problems sub-tab lists all predictive maintenance problems identified in the Predictive Maintenance module. This feature is only used by organizations that perform Predictive Maintenance Analysis.
A All Levels check box is displayed at the top of the page. Selecting this check box will display predictive maintenance records generated for all levels beneath the currently selected node of the tree. This feature allows you to view records for assets that are directly associated with the asset you are viewing, such as components stored at a lower level of the tree.
The following fields are displayed in the Predictive Problems List:
Priority: Icon representing the priority of the predictive maintenance record. If the record has a critical priority,
is displayed. If the record has low priority,
is displayed.
Status: Icon representing the current state / status. Each icon shows a clipboard with a small image on the left signifying the current status. The images displayed mirror those for the Work Order module. For a full listing of status icons, see Work Order List Columns.
Approval State: Icon representing the current approval state, if required by your organization. Predictive maintenance records requiring/pending approval will show a blue question mark; those that have been approved will have a check mark; and those that have been rejected will show a red x. If the record does not require approval, the column is blank.
Predictive #: Predictive Maintenance ID.
Reason: Description of the predictive maintenance record.
Problem: The problem identified and recorded in the Predictive Maintenance module.
Last Surveyed: Date the asset was last surveyed / assessed.
Asset: Asset name, which is displayed to provide descriptive information when the All Levels check box is checked.
Parent/Location: Parent/Location of the asset, also displayed to provide descriptive information when the All Levels check box is checked.
Select the All Levels check box.
A check mark appears inside the check box.
The page will refresh with predictive maintenance records associated with all assets beneath the currently selected node of the tree. This feature allows you to view records for assets that are directly associated with the asset you are viewing, such as components stored at a lower level of the tree.
To return to a view for only the currently selected asset, clear the All Levels check box.
The check mark is removed and the page will refresh with records associated with only the currently selected asset.
Click the Print button.
The print dialog box for your operating system is displayed, allowing you to set any print parameters.
Click Print.
The history is printed and the History page appears.
Right-click the record to be viewed and select Open in New Window.
The record is displayed in a new dialog box. Use the tabs displayed to view the predictive maintenance record as needed.
When you are finished viewing the record, click the Close button.
Click New.
A dialog box will open, prompting you to create a new predictive maintenance record.
When you are finished creating the record, close the dialog box.
The Asset History page appears.