Location Changes: Asset
The Location Changes sub-tab lists all changes in location that have been recorded for the asset. Each time an asset is moved to a new location in the asset tree, Maintenance Connection records this change and displays it on this page.
Options to delete the displayed location change records and print the location change list are available from this page.
An All Levels check box is displayed at the top of the page. Selecting this check box will refresh the page with location changes generated for all levels beneath the currently selected node of the tree. This feature allows you to view records for assets that are directly associated with the asset you are viewing, such as components stored at a lower level of the tree.
The following fields are displayed in the Location Changes List:
Date: Date the change in location was made.
Type: Type of change.
Before: Location before the change.
After: Location after the change.
Initials: Initials of the individual initiating the change.
Select the All Levels check box.
A check mark appears inside the check box.
The page will refresh with location change records associated with all assets beneath the currently selected node of the tree. This feature allows you to view location changes for assets that are directly associated with the asset you are viewing, such as components stored at a lower level of the tree.
To return to a view for only the currently selected asset, clear the All Levels check box.
The check mark is removed. The page refreshes and displays only location changes associated with the currently selected asset.
Click the Print button.
The print dialog box for your operating system is displayed, allowing you to set any print parameters.
Click Print.
The history is printed and the History page appears.
Select the check box to the left of the record you want to delete.
A check mark appears, indicating the note has been selected.
Click the Delete button.
A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.
Click Yes.
The Location Change History page appears. The record is no longer displayed.