
The Asset module maintains complete information about each asset and location maintained in the system.

Access the Asset module:

  1. Click the Open icon on the toolbar or click the Module Menu control displayed in the List pane.

    The module Menu displays.

  2. Click the option for Assets at the top of the module Menu.

    • If you accessed the module Menu from the Open option on the toolbar, the Asset List and the Asset Work Center Home page displays.

    • If you accessed the module Menu from the Module Menu control, the Asset List displays, but the content of the Work Center will not change until you have selected a record.

For information on the System Administration Tools that support the Asset module, see Asset Tools.

Organizational Attributes

Maintenance Connection provides multiple organizational attributes to designate the placement of assets, each of which is maintained in a separate module. It is not necessary for these organizational attributes to be stored directly in the asset record; they can be maintained at a higher level in the asset tree.

  • Repair Centers: Highest level of organization for assets. If all maintenance activity in your organization is handled by one facility/organizational unit, your organization may only have one repair center. However, many organizations divide their maintenance responsibilities among multiple repair centers (for example, Main Repair Center and IT Repair Center).
  • Shops: Second level of organization for assets used by many organizations. Shops must belong to a Repair Center so there can be multiple shops in a repair center, but each shop is only associated with a single repair center.
  • Departments and Accounts: Exist independently of repair centers, or can be defined as associated with them. For example, the Finance Department can be associated with a given repair center, or it can be independent of any repair center. n most organizations, departments are the descriptive organizational units such as Finance, IT, Human Resources, Manufacturing, etc. Accounts are typically the organizational attribute used to differentiate financial/general ledger units (sometimes called cost centers). If your organization has a one-to-one relationship between departments and accounts, only one of these fields is likely to be used.
  • Zones: Allow organizations to associate assets with geographic zones, to assist in resource management by location. School districts are an example of an industry that commonly uses zones to manage their maintenance resources. For example, a system administrator may want to schedule a repair based on other repairs being conducted at different schools in the same geographic zone. Zones can be color coded for easy identification.

  • Customers: If your organization provides maintenance services for multiple customers, customer data can be maintained. Assets can then be associated with the appropriate customer.

Supporting Modules

Several modules work closely with the Assets module:

  • Specifications: A Specification Module stores additional technical/descriptive details maintained on assets. Specifications can include descriptive characteristics, such as Exterior Paint Color, or measurable specifications such as MPG, Rotations per Minute, etc. For each asset, specifications can be designated that delineate acceptable levels (minimum, maximum, optimal). These specifications can be referenced and assessed during maintenance procedures.

  • Failures: The Failures Module tracks common failures that can be associated with a class of assets. The Failures Module stores three types of information:  Problems, Failure Reasons and Solutions. The Problems defined are the codes that are available to users entering a Service Request (such as Computer Freeze, Equipment Jam, and Oil Leak). The Failure Reasons and Solutions are the codes entered by the technician completing the work order to indicate the reason the failure occurred, and the solution implemented to solve the problem. The maintenance of these codes in a standard format in this module, allows for more robust failure analysis.