Approvals: Repair Center
The Approvals tab allows you to define approval requirements for purchase orders created for this repair center.
There are three options available:
No Approvals Required: This option will not place any approval requirements on purchase orders.
Required Based on User Permissions: This option will determine the required level of approval based on the permissions associated with the user creating the purchase order.
Required Based on Purchase Order Amount: This option will determine the required level of approval based on the purchase order amount. When this option is selected, additional options are displayed on the page to set the amounts associated with each level.
Approval Based on User Permissions
The second option on the Repair Center Approvals page determines approval requirements based on the permission of the user creating the purchase order. This setting works in conjunction with the Purchase Order Access Group Approval Rights defined for User Based permissions.
Approval Behavior
When this option is specified for a repair center, approvals will work as follows:
When a user creates a new purchase order, the system will check the Purchase Order Approval Required permissions associated with the user's access group.
The purchase order will be marked as requiring the appropriate level of permission.
For example, if the user is a member of an access group with the User Based – Level 2 – Approval Required permission enabled, the purchase order will be marked to require Level 2 (L2) approval.
This approval requirement will be displayed just below the Purchase Order Status, on the upper-right of the page.
The record will also show as requiring approval in the Purchase Order List.
The purchase order cannot be issued until it has been approved.
Users belonging to an access group with permission to approve/reject can use the Action field in the Approval section to approve the purchase order.
The purchase order must receive the correct number of approvals.
This means, for example, a purchase order requiring L2 Approval must receive two independent approvals.
The Approvals section displays the approvals that have been made.
Once the correct number of approvals has been obtained, the Approval section of the Purchase Order Detail page will indicate that the approval is complete.
The record will also show as approved in the Purchase Order List.
Once a purchase order has been approved, it can be issued. No further changes to line item details can be made, unless the purchase order is unapproved.
Approval Based on Purchase Order Amount
The third option on the Repair Center Approvals page determines approval requirements based on the amount of the purchase order. When this option is selected, additional fields display which allow you to specify the correct approval range for each level.
Set approvals based on the amount of the purchase order:
Select the Require based on purchase order amount option.
Enter the beginning range for each approval level.
As you tab to the next field, the respective range will be displayed to the right.
If no approval is required up to a certain amount, enter that amount in the Level 1 field prompt. Directly above this field, the range corresponding to this will be displayed.
Click Save.
Be sure to also set the Purchase Order Access Group approve/reject Rights for Amount Based Permissions. These rights allow you to specify which access groups have permission to approve at the defined levels.
Approval Behavior
When this option is specified for a repair center, approvals will work as follows:
When a user creates a new purchase order for this repair center, the system determines the approval level required based on the ranges defined.
This approval requirement will be displayed just below the purchase order status on the upper-right part of the Purchase Order Details page. An Approval Status section is also displayed, showing the current status for approvals at each required level.
As approvals are processed, both lists are updated.
The first Approval section shows a running list of all transactions, such as approval requirements, approvals, rejections, and other transaction. To the right of the header, the current overall status is confirmed (Pending or Complete).
The first value displayed may not be accurate, as the system must initially determine the approval level required if user based permissions were in effect. Once the purchase order is saved, the correct approval requirement is applied.
If the purchase order amount is changed and this alters the approval requirement, the new approval requirement will be indicated. In general, the latest action taken is highlighted. Approvals appear in green, requirements appear in red.
The record will also show as requiring approval in the Purchase Order List.
The purchase order cannot be issued until it has been approved.
Users belonging to an access group with permission to approve/reject can use the Action field in the Approval section to approve the purchase order.
The purchase order must receive an approval for each required level.
This means that a purchase order requiring L2 Approval must receive approval from one user with Approval 1 permission, and one user with Approval 2 permission.
The filters in the Purchase Order List can be used to locate purchase orders requiring a particular level of approval.
Approvals can be made in any order.
For example, Approval 1 does not need to be complete before Approval 2 can be made.
When a user approves a purchase order, the user's highest required approval will be applied.
That is, if the user has approval rights for Level 3 and below, and the purchase order requires Level 3 Approval, this approval level will be applied. If Level 3 has already been approved, the next highest approval needed will be applied.
The Approval Status section displays the approvals that have been made and the approvals that continue to be required. It is possible to have Level 2 Approval before Level 1 has been applied.
If your organization wants to approve in the correct order, the user should wait until the appropriate approvals are showing in the Approval Status section.
Once the correct approvals have been obtained, the Approval section of the Purchase Order Detail page will indicate that the approval is complete.
The record will also show as approved in the Purchase Order List.
Once a purchase order has been approved, it can be issued. No further changes to line item details can be made unless the purchase order is unapproved.