Create/Initiate a Chat Dialog
Locate the member in the Online section of the Member List on the left side of the Message Center.
If the desired member is not displayed, check your Repair Center filter at the top of the Message Center to ensure the correct repair center is specified.
Hover your cursor over the intended recipient’s name.
An option to open a Chat window appears.
Click the word Chat.
A new Chat tab displays with the member’s name and photo, if available.
Only members associated with access groups with permission to use the Chat feature have Chat shown below their name. In addition, the option is only shown for online members, as offline members are not available to chat.
After you send the Chat Request, the member you want to chat with receives an alert in the lower-right part of the page. Clicking on the alert opens the Message Center and displays a Chat tab for the sender.
Type a message into the area on the bottom of the window and click Send.
The message is added to the Chat window. When the recipient replies, the response is shown in the Chat window.
Close the chat session:
Hover your cursor over the X on the Member tab.
The icon turns red.
Click the X.
The tab closes. This closes the Chat tab in the recipient’s Message Center, as well.
Exit the Message Center:
If you want to keep the current content of Chat window, minimize the window.
If you minimize the window with a chat tab open, you will hear a sound (chat alert) if the individual sends you a message.
If you want to close the Message Center, including any open Chat windows, click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the window.