View a Document and Modify Document Attributes

Documents associated with a record can be viewed from the Documents page. In addition, the associated attributes of a document can be edited from this page, such as whether or not it should display as a link on the Work Order report. You can also change a Record Link document to a Library Link document. Documents that are displayed through an association with another module cannot be edited from the current module.

ClosedView/modify document attributes

Click the row for a document attached to a record to view/modify its attributes.

In the window that opens:

  • Document: The name of the document.

  • Location type: Indicates whether the document is a record link, library document, library link, or external link.

  • Location: The location of the document, depended on its location type.

  • Attached by: The user who attached the document to the record.

  • Attach date: The date the document was attached to the record.

  • View: Opens the document in a new window.

  • Display Link on WO: Lists the record in the Documents section of the Work Order report with a View link to open the file, document, or external link.

  • Append to Printed WO/PO: Appends the content of the document to the printed WO/PO report.

    This setting should only be selected for the following file types: Images, HTML, and PDF.

  • Append to Emailed WO/PO: Appends the content of the document to the emailed WO/PO report.

ClosedView Documents

  1. Click the check box to the left of the document you want to view.

    A check mark appears, indicating the record has been selected.

  2. Continue to select any additional documents you want to view.

  3. Click View.

    The document opens in a new window. If more than one document was selected, multiple windows open.

  4. Close the window when you are finished viewing the document.

ClosedChange record links to library links

You can change a record link (uploaded directly to the record) to a library link so that it is stored in the Documents module for use on other records:

  1. Right-click on the record link document you want to change to a library link.

  2. Select Open.
    The document Details page opens.

  3. Under Location Type, select Library Link.

  4. Click Save.
    The document is saved in the Documents module as a library link, and you return to the Documents page.