Add a Document

Documents added to the current record are retrieved from the Documents module.

  1. Click Add.

    A dialog box opens allowing you to select a document or web link reference from the document library.

  2. Add an existing document:

    1. Click the document you want to add.

      The Attachments dialog box opens.

    2. Click the View button to view the document content.

    3. Select the Display Link on WO check box to indicate that a link to the document should be included on the Work Order Report/Printout.

    4. Select the Append to Printed WO check box to indicate that the document should be appended to the printed Work Order or Purchase Order Report.

    5. Select the Append to Emailed WO check box to indicate that the document should appended to the emailed Work Order or Purchase Order Report.

    6. Click Apply.

      The dialog box closes and the selected document is displayed in the My Selection(s) list.

  3. Add a new document:

    1. Click New.

      A window opens.

    2. Complete the following fields:

      • Document ID: the unique identifier for the document

      • Document Name: the document name

      • Document Type: the type of document

      • Select the Append to Printed WO check box to indicate that the document should be appended to the printed Work Order or Purchase Order Report.

      • Select the Append to Emailed WO check box to indicate that the document should appended to the emailed Work Order or Purchase Order Report.

    3. Click Apply.

      The dialog box closes and the selected document is displayed in the My Selection(s) list.

  4. To remove a document, click the arrow to the left of the document name.

  5. Click Apply.

    The documents display in the Documents table.