Delete Records

The process for deleting records is similar in all modules. Deleting a record permanently removes the record, therefore, these features should only be used when records and their history are no longer needed.

You must be a member of an access group with permission to delete records to process a deletion.

ClosedDelete Individual Records

  1. Access the record you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete button.

    A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.

    Depending on your system configuration, you may be required to enter a password.

  3. Click Yes.

    • If this record is referenced as a key field in other modules of Maintenance Connection, a message appears, indicating that this record cannot be deleted. You can, instead, make the record inactive on the Details page.

      To delete a record that is associated with data in other modules, you must first remove these associations. Maintenance Connection will identify the referenced records so that you can then remove these associations and then delete the original record.

    • If the record is not referenced in other modules, the record is deleted.

ClosedDelete Multiple Records

You may want to delete multiple records in a single step. This process cannot be reversed so use it with caution.

  1. Access the module where there are records you want to delete.

  2. Click the List button to access the Expanded List or Search page.

  3. Select the records you want to delete:

    • To select a single record, click the check box preceding it.

    • To deselect a record, click the check box again to clear it.

    • To select all records on a page, click the large check mark above the column of check boxes or click Select Page on the right side of the toolbar.

    • To select all records on all pages, click Select All Pages on the right side of the toolbar.

  4. Click the Delete button.

    A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.

    You may need to enter a password before you can delete the record.

  5. Click Yes.

    The records are deleted.